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chapter playlist

•i won't say i'm in love—savannah stuckmayer

•a guy that i'd kinda be into—stephanie hsu

•line without a hook—ricky montgomery

"she's in love!"

Dib couldn't sleep at the best of times. Whether he was up late reading, researching, or just had too much going on in his brain.

But tonight a thought plagued his mind, keeping him up. The though was of the alien princess who danced into his life.

The two had been spending a lot of time together. Every week or twice a week, the two would take the usual forest route home from school. (Y/N) would feed Estelle while they share life anecdotes. Then they'd go back to either Dib's or (Y/N)'s house and watch a musical or episode of Mysterious Mysteries. On weekends they'd go out to dinner, or to a movie, or to a museum.

Their favourite place was the local art museum. It is a quiet spot. Only the faint sounds of footsteps and whispers can be heard.

The European art section is where they both often ended up. They both loved staring at wisps of whites, blues, yellows, and other pastels swirled together to make clouds. Fair and harsh strokes to represent angel wings, saturated blues and oranges upon a canvas which also seemed faded. All of it had different, yet beautiful expressions of art.

Even though the gallery was filled with the most stunning pieces, (Y/N) would always navigate to the same painting. She could never seem to leave the museum without looking at it.

A boy with a crown of leaves and a lyre, with his eyes on the horizon. He held the hand of a woman, pale and draped in cloth the colour of fresh snow atop rocky mountains. The harsh colours, shadows, and expressions in the figures' eyes were nice to look at, but Dib would smile and roll his eyes every time he caught her looking at it.

"Orpheus and Eurydice?" he asked as he appeared beside her. The sudden question caused a jump from (Y/N).

"I don't appreciate being scared!" (Y/N) scolded, catching her breath.

"Whatever you say, your highness. Anyway, tell me what the deal is with Orpheus and his lost love?"

Her eyes reverted back to the painting, admiring the twinkle of hope in Orpheus's eye.

"It's a love story for the ages, and my favourite Greek myth," she replied.

The myth gave the princess hope. Hope that she could find someone who loves her so much, that they will go through hell and back for her.

Sleeping Beauty|||Dib X ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt