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chapter playlist

•trouble - valerie broussard

•help! - daniel swisher

•killer - valerie broussard

"for the first time in sixteen years, i shall sleep well"

Dib's head was pounding. His eyes were just starting to register what was around him. All he saw was darkness, any sort of nearby light only made his head hurt more.

He placed his hand forward, only for it to stop against glass. Confused, he set another hand forward, meeting with the cold glass. Rapid placement of his palms quickly turned into pounding his fists, in disbelief at his imprisonment. With every scream and punch, he grew more helpless and his fists bloodier.

The boy leaned back against the glass, exhausted. His surroundings were unfamiliar, causing the hairs on his body to perk up.

His mind was incredibly fuzzy as if he wasn't fully awake. As if he was living in a dream. He attempted to delve into the depths of his memory, searching for answers. But it was all so messy. As if someone came in and screwed up his filing system.

Dib slowly worked himself into a panic, even finding it harder to breathe. The tension inside him continued to build when he began to hear footsteps, growing louder with every step.

In what felt like a blur, Dib was face to face with an appearance he was all too familiar with.

A shorter figure with skin the colour of puke, and big eyes of mauve filed with both triumph and trouble. She sported a long gown of black and purple, leather gloves on her claws and antennae upon her head.

An Irken, obviously.

But an Irken with unfamiliar eyes and an offputting grin.

"So you're the human I've heard so much about?" the alien sneered.

The sentence didn't even register with Dib.

"You're Irken," he forced out.

"Smart boy," the Irken acknowledged.

"So I'm on Irk?"

"Correct again!" The alien tossed her arms in the air, gesturing to the darkness that Dib could not make out. "Welcome to the part of Irk the Tallests have yet to find!"

"So why am I here?" Dib asked, rubbing his pounding forehead, determined to gain an iota of information.

The Irken scoffed. "I'm surprised my sister never mentioned me, Tak."

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