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chapter playlist

•leaving my love behind—lewis capaldi

•i lived—one republic

•happy/sad—nathan lane


"we knew this day would come"

Dib Membrane was full on aware of what his sister Gaz hated the most; her brother's alarm blaring an annoying MCR song at full blast. Despite the noise, he's always slept through it, while simultaneously waking up the whole house. Nay, the whole planet.
Even though Dib knows how angry Gaz gets when she hears the song, he still continues to make this mistake and as a result, he continues to piss off his sister.

On this particular morning, Dib did not wake up to the sound of loud guitars and Gerard Way's screeching vocals, but instead to a forceful nudge.

He slammed his face deep into his pillow, attempting to ignore the inevitable. Just as he began to regain peace, his pillow was slipped out from under him, his head hurling onto the foamy mattress. Gaz, in all her fury, striked Dib with the fluffy pillow.

"Gaz!" Dib shouted, having officially been woken up. "I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, I want your alarm off on weekends!" Gaz clamored through gritted teeth. "It's to wake me up!" Dib argued. "It clearly doesn't work!" she fired back, drawing Dib's attention to his alarm clock, reading: 1:05pm.

Dib let out a groan as he pulled himself out of bed, the blinding sunlight peering through his window. He threw on the first articles of clothing he could find; a yellow t-shirt with a grey smiley face—similar to his favourite blue shirt—and a pair of faded black jeans.

He sat in his desk chair, his head resting on his copy of Dune. His baggy eyes were abut to close once more, until the sound of a ding shot him awake.

He collected his glasses on the other side of his desk. As soon as he put them on, the familiar feeling of the blurry world clearing up, returned to him.

He ran out the door to his bedroom, ran down the stairs to the front door. Standing in the doorway, is none other than Zim.

A lump formed in Dib's throat as his hand drifted to the scar on his stomach.

"Zim," Dib forced out.

"I know who I am, Dib-Stink," Zim replied.

"(Y/N)'s not here," Dib pointed out, shutting the door behind the other-worldly creature. "I am very much aware of that. (Y/N) is at a rehearsal. I am here to speak of her."

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