Character Bio

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Name: Code-08 Barbatos

Name he given to himself: Barbatos Lupus Rex

Height: 6'1

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Character's looks: Average looks, with cold dead eyes, with a very faint pupil. Under his shirt he has scars that cover mostly his back side. He also have messy hair.

Character's clothes: A red shirt with some white and black dots mostly around the stomach area. Blue jeans that reach all the way to his shoes. Shoes that are jet black in color that are running shoes, with a yellow shoelaces.

Age: 17

Semblance: Shut-Out -Cuts all pain receptors, and keeps his body together, also makes his eyes glow blood-red, so much that it line of red follows behind him.

Personally: Calm and collected, seems and is emotionless, and is pretty easygoing, if you don't end on his bad side. He is cold-blooded towards anyone is stupid enough to annoy him or to block his way.

Likes: Anything with that has to do with battles.

Background: After being abducted from a boy only orphanage by Altas soldiers, along with 71 other kids, they were taken to a huge lab meant for making super soldiers. Train to be literally demons, they were coded after the 72 demons of Hell. Boy did they get their soldiers, by beating them, training them, and taking away some things, like their "heart". Barbatos found his way to be one of the top demons, either by bad luck, or fate, also doesn't help the fact he fought like an animal. Like all of his Demon brothers, they receive the Battle Enhanced Suit (or BES), they truly became the 72 demons of Hell, like they were made to do. After 17 years, the foundation was attacked and burned in the snowy tundra, the flame roared as Barbatos ran like an animal though the tundra, not feeling the cold, as all he wanted to do, was to kill something.

BES: Think of it like an exoskeleton. Covers his upper body, hands, and head. Head visor can give information on bullet types, as well of enemies basic info (such as height, weight, blood type), also has a tail that Barbatos can control to either stab, or hook to enemies. Also have a boost on his back to lung forwards or quickly change directions, if need be. Hangs on his back in a small box when not in use.

BES's looks:

(Ignore the knee and the red eyes, thats when he uses his semblance)

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(Ignore the knee and the red eyes, thats when he uses his semblance)

Fighting Style: Prefer close quarters combat, with his four swords Gladius Domini Ignis, Gladius Domini Glacies, Gladius Domini Terra, and Gladius Domini Ventus gives him the edge in almost any fight. He also fights like an animal making him both deadly and unpredictable. If he ever loses his swords, either by throwing them or getting disarmed, he can simply use his claws and tail to deal some pretty nasty damage. He also aims to kill if it's someone or something blocks his way.

Equipment: Ignis uses Fire Dust to light fire to his enemies. Glacies freezes enemies with the help of Ice Dust. Terra helps him build to get higher ground or trap them with earth with Earth Dust. Ventus helps him blow wind towards his enemies with Wind Dust. Each being about 33 in and 4.3 pounds. He also have 20 throwing knives (Two set of them being on each side of his chest, and the rest being on both side of his forearm, and on the BES) all of them being 15 in and 20 oz. The BES which just enhanced his combat skill, and increase (with the help with some hydraulic) his strength by about 5 times.

Swords' meaning: They are all Latin for "The sword of _____" Ignis means Fire, Galcies means Ice, Terra means Earth, and Ventus means Wind.


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