Jimin backed up another step as Jungkook drew closer, his anger like a force in itself, pushing him backwards.
"Y-you h-h-haven't s-seen me dance y-yet."
Shit, his stuttering was worse than usual.
"Yes I have! I was there when you had your solo performance. So don't you dare tell me you felt like you weren't good enough to be main lead!"

Jimin gaped. Jungkook had seen him dance?
"I told you," the boy continued, his eyes a little wild. " I told you I knew you would get cast in only the best position and now you're giving it up? Why? Is it because of me? Because I'm in the performance too?"
Jimin shook his head violently, but no words came out to make up a good lie.

"Don't lie to me! Because if I am the reason... God's Jimin... please tell me I'm not the reason."
"Y-your not."
Well, at least he got out a sentence, even if it was the worst response ever.

"Really? Cause you didn't even say goodbye when I dropped you off from work the other day and then you already left for school this morning, even though you knew I was going to pick you up, so this feels a lot like you're avoiding me. And I know you're one of the most ambitious person I know, so this makes no fucking sense at all!"

Jimin was lost for words. He really hadn't thought Jungkook would come storming in like this, looking like an avenging angel. A part of him had been sure someone of Jungkook's status would simply wave it off and forget about someone like him. He'd been so wrong.

"Okay, that's it." Jungkook snapped and then jerked forward. "We're going to Miss Kayen right now and tell her you're back as main lead and I'll drop out instead."
And with that he lunched for him, grabbing his wrist and started dragging him across the room.
Jimin was beyond stunned and let him, but only for a second.
Then it just all got too much: his confusion, his frustration, his fear- it all bubbled to the surface in one massive wave.

He stemmed his feet into the ground and pulled hard. Jungkook clearly hadn't expected any resistance and even though the younger was much stronger, he managed to slip out of his hold, stepping back to get some space.
"Why? Why do you fucking care, Jungkook?"

If Jungkook was surprised to hear him raise his voice, he either didn't notice, or he was too damn angry.
He whirled on Jimin faster than lightning.
"Why? Are you seriously asking me why? I think I made that pretty obvious!"
"Not really."
"What?" he let out in a short, rough laugh, tinged with disbelieve.
He stared down Jimin and took a slow, yet intentional step forward.
All his bravado left Jimin as quickly as it had come and his hands started shaking while he took a step back unable to look away from those dark, glittering eyes.
He had to keep a clear head, and he would only manage to do that if there was some distance between them.

"Come on, Jimin. Don't tell me you don't know. Everybody else already knows it."
"Knows what?"

Jungkook let out another incredulous huff and his anger vanished from his face, replaced by- oh...oh seven hells. This was not going as he had planned- not that he had had a plan to begin with.
"You want me to make it even more obvious then?" Jungkook asked and his voice was like honey, smooth and low as he continued advancing on him- slowly, like he had all the time in the world.
Jimin shivered and sucked in a breath while retreating further on shaky legs, then suddenly hit the wall when he had reached the end of the room, a hiccup sound leaving him.

With nowhere else to go, all he could do to stop this feeling rising in him was to look down and avert his eyes.
There was a low snarl and then Jungkook was in front of him, taking with him that scent of lavender and musk, earthy and rich. All he could see of him though, were his black boots and the dark jeans.

"No. You don't get to look away this time, Jimin. Look at me," Jungkook ground out and a hand landed under his chin, lifting it up.
"Look what you're doing to me," Jungkook said through clenched teeth.
And Jimin looked- or was forced to, but he saw.
A tremor shook his body as his eyes met Jungkook's, the hungry blaze in them scattering all sane thought.
He was too close, his head tilted down so his hair brushed against Jimin's cheek and the heat of his body felt like he was standing too close to the sun. His skin tingled all over and he didn't know what to do with his hands- or the rest of his body.
"B-but... you told m-me to put my c-clothes back on."
His voice shook with the intensity of the moment and yet only came out as a whisper.

Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfiction ※ 18+حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن