I : the first look

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Y/N's pov:

It's a Saturday morning, I just woke up. I get out of bed, take a shower, put on some clothes and go downstairs to the coffee shop where Caleb is already working hard.

It's usually very busy on Saturdays so whenever I can help I do.

"Good morning, Caleb!" I say.

"Good morning! Don't you have to work on your new book?" Caleb asks.

"I'm ahead of schedule so I thought I'd help you out."

"Thanks, Y/N!"

I help him with the orders and cleaning up.

Two young men, I think they're about my age, walk quickly into the coffee shop with their heads down as if they don't want to be seen.

"Can we have 2 coffee to go, please?" The young man with the blonde hair asks, still looking down a little.

The group of teenage girls are coming closer to Caleb's Cups and the two men look more stressed. Are they famous or something? I quickly give them their coffee and they pay.

"Come with me! You can take the back door!" I say.

The two men follow me to the back of Caleb's Cups where there is another door so they can leave. The blonde guy walks away already but the brown-haired guy stops for a moment and looks up so you can see his face and he can see mine.

"Thank you!" He says.

"No problem! Enjoy your coffee!" I say back with a smile.

He smiles back at me and leaves.

I go back to Caleb and see the girls are already in the coffee shop. Caleb is trying so hard not to freak out.

"Where is he?!" The girls keep asking.

"Where is who?" Caleb asks confused.

"Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield!" One of the girls says.

"They're not here, sorry." I step in to help Caleb.

"But we saw them going into here." They say.

"Well they're not here and we would appreciate it if you could leave and let other people enjoy their morning." I say as I follow the girls to the door.

They leave.

So those two men were Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield. I recognised the brown-haired guy but I didn't know where from. Well, now I do. He plays Spider-Man, right?

"What the hell was that?!" Caleb asks.

"I'll tell you later." I say.

I can see how confused Caleb is. He was too busy with the other customers and didn't notice Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield walk in.

At the end of the day, Caleb and I are exhausted. It was so busy at Caleb's Cups.

"I'm way too tired to cook dinner. Should we just order pizza?" I ask as I let myself fall on the couch.

"Yeah, sure!" Caleb says.

I order pizza.

"Are you still gonna tell me what happened this morning? I feel like you know something I don't." Caleb says.

I kinda forgot about it already to be honest.

"I think I met Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield." I say while staring at the ceiling.

"You what?!" Caleb shouts excited.

"Yeah! They were trying to hide from the girls so I let them use the back door."

"Oh okay, that explains a lot. Please tell me what happened! What did they say?!"

"Nothing much actually. Tom Holland said 'thank you' and smiled that's all."

"Did you ask for a photo or autograph?"

"What? No!" I look at Caleb.

"They were trying to avoid that. That's why I let them use the back door. Besides I didn't know it was them." I explain.

Caleb looks shocked at me.

"You didn't know it was Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield?!"

"No." I laugh.

"Besides, they were looking down. I only saw Tom Holland's face and that was when he was leaving." I explain.

*the next day*


Caleb's pov:

Y/N is shopping with her friend today and my worker said that he'd be a little later today so I went down to the coffee shop alone. I opened Caleb's Cups and not long after the first customer came.

Oh my god, that's Tom Holland! He came again! I'm freaking out oh my god!

Okay, Caleb get yourself together he's just a normal human being.

I take a deep breath.

"Would you like something to eat or drink sir?" I ask. I hope I didn't sound too nervous.

Tom looks around a little before he answers.

"Is the woman that helped me and my friend yesterday working today?"

He means Y/N.

"I'm sorry. She's not working today."

"Oh okay well 1 coffee to go please."

"Of course!"

I give him his coffee and he pays and leaves.

Why was he asking about Y/N?

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