"See? It mov-" Chaesol was saying when she fell silent, looking at Handong on the ground. "I-... W-What's that? Why..." she mumbled, blushing madly.

"I wanted to surprise you when you c-came home! Why else w-would I be in bed in the afternoon?" The Chinese justified herself, blushing as well.

"I don't know! Maybe you were really tired because of all the chores and-" Chaesol was saying as the plant grew in size and wrapped a vine around Handong, pulling her up and letting her down on the bed, covering her with the blanket and right after that it shrunk again, standing still in Chaesol's hand.

"What the fuck is that thing? And why doesn't it like me?" Handong raised her voice, pointing a finger at it, still in disbelief.

The plant lightly slapped Handong's finger and Chaesol couldn't help but laugh.

"Maybe it didn't want you to be cold and... it just gave you a high five?" she said with a laugh.

"That doesn't answer my first question! This... this isn't possible!"

"See? I wasn't high" the black haired girl sighed. "It's like it wanted me to take it out of there? And uhm... it reacts to my powers way stronger than the normal plants"

"So my girlfriend goes out with Minji after kissing her and comes home with a magical flower pet? I'm dreaming right?" Handong asked, pinching her own arm.

"It's not a pet and you're not dreaming. It's... I don't know what it is. Minji said she would ask Jiwoo if she knows more about priestesses having things like this one"

"It's... weird" the red haired woman said, literally having no words for the thing on Chaesol's hand. It clearly had a mind of it own so it must be some kind of weird pet thing right?

"So... this is Handong" Chaesol tried to say, lightly poking the plant. The plant didn't move an inch and the girl felt so stupid because she was introducing her girlfriend to a plant. "Don't use your powers on her and don't put her to sleep" she added, confusing Handong.

"Put me to sleep?" She asked since Chaesol hadn't told her about the sleep-inducing pollen it somehow created and fired at Minji earlier.

"It did that with Minji earlier... she fell asleep for a few seconds" Chaesol admitted, scratching her head. "But it's weird... This is a passion flower, it's not supposed to do that"

"That's... even weirder" the older woman shook her head. "Maybe you should just... put it away? Until the vampires have more info?"

As Handong suggested that, the plant wrapped itself around Chaesol's arm, locking itself in place.

"I think that's a no" the priestess mumbled.

"We don't know what it is or what it does, so I think we shouldn't listen to it"

"It didn't do anything bad though" Chaesol countered, scratching her head. "And uhm... look" she added as she ordered the plant to grow and it did, filling the whole room.

"Hey! What the-... not inside the house, Chae!" The older woman whined.

"I just wanted to show this! It reacts strongly to my power and the good thing is that... I'm barely using any energy! To make a plant grow like this usually requires a lot of it"

"That's great, princess but it still doesn't change my opinion. If it turns out to be something bad... who knows what could've happened by then?"

"It's not... I can feel it" Chaesol shook her head, asking the plant to go back to its previous size. "It called me and I know it's not something bad"

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