🛳 voyager 3000

421 36 13


and before we start, there are certain rules that you need to abide by and certain information that you need to know. please make sure to read everything so you will not experience any difficulty along the journey. failure to do so might make it a bit harder for you to enter the voyager 3000

one; please be patient. i will be reading your work and someone else's work at my own pace and free time. so please learn how to wait for your turn.

two; please read everything that i write for you. effort should be paid with effort.

three; please be kind. i do not respond to demands or rude people. if you need to get your thoughts understood phrase it in a calm, collected, and kind manner. and so will i. i cannot promise that my review will always be sweet and frilly but i can promise that i will stay respectful of you as an individual and as a writer.

four; please add this book to your public library. easy as eating a slice of pie.

five; communicate properly. generally, i will talk to you if you talk to me. i will respond to you if you are kind and ignore you if you are rude. if i have any questions regarding your work, i will send you a private message, i don't expect an immediate response from you but please don't make me wait for a whole week just to get a reply from you.

six; understand. i will understand your point of view and explanation if ever you want to explain something to me. if you don't understand my feedback...i don't bite... message me, i will gladly respond.

seven; slots. i will be reading as far as i am able to. as a minimum, i will read your prologue and the first five chapters after that. hence i can only accommodate five slots per cabin.

eight; payment. all you have to do is follow me, and vote every chapter that exists in this compilation. also, add this book to your reading list. i don't really need you to comment or vote on my actual stories since my works are no longer on wattpad, i just need you to leave votes on this review book because it can increase the likelihood of people finding it.

nine; feedback. i will be posting my reviews here and will send you a private message for links on research materials (if i have any regarding your work). on my feedback, i will give you snippets from your work that needs improvement or editing. emotional impact, plot, and story flow are all important for me, so expect feedback on those categories. i may skip on the technical part if necessary.

ten; process. i will probably do in-line comments on your work but it depends on my mood. i will leave a comment saying, "i stopped reading here" on the chapter that i last read to indicate how far i was able to read. for the code, send me the word ticket after filling out the form.

eleven; reject. i have the right to reject your request. i sometimes get too bored of a certain genre that i might reject your request.

twelve; book covers and titles. a few people have asked me why i do not include book covers and titles in my reviews, i have my reasons. i don't review book covers because majority of book covers are not made by the author of the book. i cannot review something that was not created by the person who asked for the review. if you made the book cover and would like my feedback on it, do tell me. i don't give comments on titles because titles represent the entire book and because i am merely reading a portion of your work, i cannot make a review of your title without knowing the entire story.


if you have read everything, please proceed to the reception area to fill out a reservation form

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