"They are!" She almost squeals at it. She gave me the food I wanted and we started to dig in.

"What is this place exactly?" I ask while some pasta on my mouth.

I know what pasta is because Hyejin uses to cook it when we're at home. Especially this carbonara, I'm eating a plain one but Hyejin put some cheese into it making it more delicious.

"This is an Italian restaurant, why?" Byul unnie said while chewing her food.

"Nothing," I giggle a bit remembering Hyejin mentioning the word 'Italian' before.

"You're thinking about Hyejin, aren't you?" She looks at me with a smirk.

"I just thought about if Hyejin will like this place because she likes the restaurant's theme, the food, and especially the park," I then point at the kids.

"This is her favorite place," she said calmly making me choke. "Hey! Drink some water," she hands me the water so I drink it immediately.

"T-This is?" I said while patting my chest so the food will go down my stomach.

"Yeah," she nods. "That's why I brought you here. I wanted you to see what your partner-" she cut herself realizing something. "I-I mean r-roommate likes," she takes the last bite into her mouth.

I don't know what she's talking about so I just nod at her. I continue to eat my food in silence until it's all finished.

"Come on, let's have a walk to the park if you want," she signs me to come with her so I did. 

We walk out of the restaurant and we did a little time to walk to the main park. A lot of kids were running around with huge smiles on their faces. Looking at them makes me feel so happy and melt under the warm breeze.

"I saw a bench!" Byul unnie shouts happily while pointing at the vacant bench. "Come, it's great sitting at that spot!" She said like a kid and grab my hand as she drags me to sit on the bench.

"You came here often too, no?" I said while looking at her side profile.

"The four of us are," she said as she leans her back.

"Can you describe how it was being here?" I said while looking back at the kids playing with the grass.

"What should I tell you?"


"Okay, so Yongsun unnie and I were always goofing around like always, you also join us sometimes and convince Hyejin to join,"

"Did she join?"

"Yeah, she does, but sometimes you two are the only brain we have. Because you two will sometimes scold us because we're doing it too far. Like always you and Hyejin were always talking about something so we won't interrupt you two. Hyejin is just eating something while we walk through the whole park," she said with a laugh at the end part.

"She really likes to eat," I giggle at it and she looks at me with a smirk.

"You do too, you and Hyejin will argue sometimes because one of you didn't share food," she chuckles.

"We share?"

"The four of us does, but you two were like a machine, you seem like you're not getting full," she laughs loud when she saw me with red cheeks.

"It seems true," I laugh loud like her.

"I want to have some ice cream," she whines. "How about you?" She looks at me so I just nod at her. "I'm going to buy you ice cream you often buy, I know you'll like it," she said and stands up with a mischievous smile.

Mind Can Forget But Heart Can't [Wheesa]✔Where stories live. Discover now