Chapter 9

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Katies pov

I was preparing a lecture and I heard the doorbell.

I looked at the clock. 9pm. Am I expecting someone Who the hell can that be?!

I opened the door to see 2 woman's. One with blond hair and one with brown hair.

"Mel, Nic, Hey what the hell are you two doing here?!" I said while giving a hug to both of them.

"We are visiting for a while." Melissa replied but got interrupted by Nicole "and we have a surprise for you on Friday evening."

I let them inside and we sat on the couch.

"A surprise? Do what do I owe that to?" My face looking confused.

"Because eh you're you." Nicole told "you're like one of the sweetest people we know and I know you don't think that about yourself. We want you too know that we love you and we'll do anything for you to make you happy." A tear escaped my eye.

"Wow I- I don't know what to say. Thank you. That's so sweet of you. Do you have booked a hotel?" Melissa nodded 'no' "You can stay here I have an extra bedroom."

"Thanks but I'm staying at my parents." Nicole spoke.

"I'd like to stay here Kate." Melissa said.

we catched up for a while.

"I think it is time to go. I loved seeing you again after so long." Nicole stood up and left "Bye Kate. Bye Mel."

"Bye Nic." Melissa and I both spoke at the same time.


I was done with my classes for today and Melissa, Nicole and I agreed to have coffee after work.

I walked in the cafe and saw Mel and Nic already sitting at a table and joined them.

"How is work going? Can you still handle those kids?" Melissa questioned and laughed.

"I to be honest didn't thought I would enjoy it so much. They are really sweet and I don't really have someone in my class who's is always talking when I'm lecturing. So its pretty nice actually." I explained.

"Thats nice to hear. I'm happy for you that you found something else beside acting that you like to do." Melissa said.

"So how is it with that girl going?" Of course Nicole had to bring that up. I started to turn a little red.

"Nothing else happened after I tutored her." I started thinking back, at her lying in my arms and got a smile on my face.

"You really like her do you?" Melissa guessed

"Yeah I do. I mean I think."


I was really deep in to a conversation that I didn't hear the bell of the door when the door got open.

Two girls walked past me and sat on a table in front of my view.

I got out of the conversation at that moment and got lost in my thoughts.

"Hey Katie? Everything alright?" I didn't react and Melissa spoke again and waving her hand in front of my eye sight. "Katie. Earth to Katie." 

I kicked out of my thoughts. "Yeah. yeah."

"Are you alright K?" Melissa spoke again. 

"No. Yes. I don't know. If you'll excuse me I need to go to the toilet." I got up and walked to the toilet.

Third pov

Melissa looked over at where Katie was staring and Nicole watched where Melissa was looking at.

Nicole turned her head back to Melissa. "Isn't that..?" And she got interrupted by Melissa "I think it is her." Melissa got her phone out of her pocket and looked up the picture Katie had sent them.

"O my god. That has to be her." Melissa showed the picture to Nicole. Nicole looked over at the table, back to the phone, back to the table again and then again to the phone. "Hell yes it is her." She said

Katie came back. "You okay Hun?" Melissa asked Katie.

"You see that girl over there?" Nicole and Melissa both nodded. "Well that's her." Katie blushed

"Yeah we figured that out." Nicole teased. Katie rolled her eye.

"O come on you don't need to roll your eye. You seriously wouldn't think that we didn't found out?" Melissa added. "She is cute Katie. She looks super sweet."

"She is." Katie told with happiness in her voice

"You know you're continuously watching her right?"

"Don't fuck up the damn moment Nicole. They're having eye contact." Melissa exclaimed.

(Y/n) stood up letting Maggie behind. Hoping Katie would follow her outside.

Melissa looked at the girl who still sat at the table and they exchange some mouthing.

"Katie go. Go follow her." Melissa spoke

Katie got outside and started a conversation with (y/n).

Melissa made a hand gesture to Maggie to come sit with them.

"Hey I'm Maggie." She spoke.

"Hey Maggie. This is Melissa and I am Nicole. Nice to meet you."

"Are you a friend of (y/n)?" Melissa asked.

"Yes. I'm her best friend." Maggie said shyly.

"Can I ask you something Maggie? If you don't want to answer it that's totally fine." Nicole asked

"Yeah sure."

"Do you know if eh (y/n) likes girls?"

Maggie laughed "yes she does. She's bi."

Melissa and Nicole gave each other a knowing look.

"O and don't tell her I told this." Melissa and Nicole nodded and Maggie continued. "She definitely likes Katie."

They both got their happy and excited smile. They were so happy for Katie that this might work out.

"Naw that's cute. They both like each other and don't know it from the other." Nicole teased

Katie and (y/n) came back.

"Maggie we have to go my sister is waiting for us." (Y/n) announced. Maggie stood up and walked away with (y/n).

Katie sat down on the place where Maggie sat.

"Why was her friend sitting at our table?"

"O Maggie, we talked." Nicole spoke

"About what?" Katie curiously questioned raising her eyebrow.

"Oh nothing." The blonde said

"Come on tell me guys."

"The way (y/n) looked at you. She likes you Katie." Katie flushed red.

(Y/n)'s pov

Maggie and I got in Camila's car.

"Where did you two talk about?" Maggie teasingly said.

"O nothing special. She asked if it went well with history and if I wanted another tutor."

"What'd you said?"

"I said that I wanted another tutor. But we haven't planned it yet." I said


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