chapter fifteen

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"i used to hear a simple song, that was before you came along. now in its place is something new, i hear it when i think of you." - i hear a symphony

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It had been a blissful two weeks for Gwyn and Azriel. No kidnapping, no court threats, just them.

Just their late night sparring sessions, and going to his special spot on the mountain and looking at the stars.

They had flown up there tonight, and they sat in a comfortable silence just admiring the nights and the stars.

"Hey Az?"

"Hm, love?" he whispered, she was nestled in his arms and his chin was resting atop her head.

"I just realized something," she whispered. "We've never sung a duet."

His chest rumbled with a deep chuckle and she turned to look at him with a pout. "I'm serious!" she said and he smiled.

"What do you want to sing?" he asked, whispering in her ear causing shivers to run down her spine and she bit her lower lip. He began peppering kisses along her jaw, down to her neck, and she arched herself further so he could get better access.

A soft moan left her throat, her chest was heaving with breaths and she felt a familiar ache tugging her stomach. He smirked into her skin and she pulled away.

"We can do all that," she said, panting. "later."

"But it's so much fun." he said, his voice deep and gravelly and she rolled her eyes.

He started singing. A song she had heard many times before but it sounds ethereal coming from his soft lips. His voice is as smooth as honey and she wants it to envelop her in its warmth.

She opened her mouth and the harmony came pouring out as they sang softly together, their voices blending together just as they always did. Melting into one another like a quiet symphony.

Once they were done, she stared at him, an indecipherable look in her teal eyes that made him shift slightly.

She pulled his head down and crashes their lips together. It was not soft, it was fast. Feverish. Desperate. Hands roaming everywhere, teeth clashing. A mixture of moans, pants, and breaths as he grabbed her and winnowed her to their bedroom.

───── ★★★─────

The days passed similarly for them, and their nightly activities now varied definitely.

However, they were called to river house and so they obliged. Azriel was shocked and annoyed to see Eris would be joining them. Gwyn only smiled kindly at the new High Lord of the Autumn Court.

Inaugerated only yesterday after an..unfortunate turn of events.

Not that any of the Night Court was complaining.

"What's he doing here?" Azriel asked gruffly, pulling Gwyn closer to him protectively.

"Eris has..something to say to Gwyn." Rhysand said, his voice tight. Azriel's jaw clenched.

"Hello," Gwyn greeted Eris, who smiled apprehensively at her.

", I'm your grandfather." He said lamely, and Gwyn and Az's eyes bugged out of their heads.

"What?" Gwyn asked in shock. They sat down and Eris relayed his story.

"I met your grandmother when I was young. We uh, we were friends. It was a secret, being frowned upon especially by my father." He said with a frown. "But eventually, attraction won against being friends, and one thing lead to another.." he trailed off and Gwyn listened intently.

"She came and told me she was with child. I was willing to give up everything for her," he whispered with a bitter smile. "But, she left after she told me. I could not track her." Gwyn's heart ached for Eris, but said nothing as he continued.

"I..I loved her. It is one of my biggest regrets. Then I saw you and you had her eyes and you looked so much like me." He whispered, eyes shining. "I had to know if it was true." He said softly.

"So, I did genealogical research. I found out about your mother from Tamlin, and I just knew. Her name was Seraphina, a name I knew your grandmother adored and wanted her child to be named." Eris whispered, and Gwyn only quietly walked over to him and hugged him.

"I.." she pulled away. "I would like to get to know you," she whispered, and he smiled.

"I would like that very much." He whispered with a smile. This once again left the thought of how this female, this beautifully kind female, could soften the hearts of the most abhorred creatures.

But, Azriel, Cassian, Nesta, Rhys, and Feyre all chorused the same thoughts with soft smiles. They wouldn't have her any other way.

───── ★★★─────

It had been three weeks since the coversation with Eris and Azriel was pacing horribly. Gwyn had gone to the spring court with Feyre — much to Rhys' discomfort— for the week.

They would be coming back soon and Azriel missed her terribly.

They winnowed to River House and Azriel immediately went to Gwyn, his hands pressed on either side of her cheeks and pulling her lips to his. He relaxed under her touch and she giggled into the kiss before pulling away.

"Someone missed me," she teased with an arched eyebrow.

"You have no idea." He muttered and picked her up bridal style.

"BYE!" He shouted to an amused Rhys and Feyre and the laughter of Gwyn as he shot into the sky remained echoing in the halls.

She laughed loudly as he flew them to the House of Wind and the second her feet touched the ground his lips were on hers and she sighed contentedly into the kiss.

Their lips did not part once as they found their way on Azriel's bed, a tangled mess of limbs, hair, and clothes. But that didn't matter.

So long as she felt his heart beating underneath her hand, and he felt her body perfectly fit with his, they were perfect.

They were together. Joined as one. And would be for the rest of their not so miserable immortal lives.

He was happy. Laying with her, caressing her, and she was happy to be with him. They filled one another with an overwhelming sense of pure love and euphoria, and Gwyn gazed at him, and he gazed at her, and they smiled.

This was life. This was perfect. This was love.

THE ENDDDD, or not rlly bc epilogue coming sooonnnn! but i love them sm and i love you guys for being with me on this journey and loving the story! <3

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