chapter thirteen

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"if i was dying on my knees you would be the one to rescue me, and if you were drowned at sea i'd give you my lungs so you could breathe, i got you brother." - brothe

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Gwyn never left Azriel's side while he recovered. She stayed with him, to make sure he was safe.

They were laying together, hands entwined as they stared up at the cieling in silence. Her free hand ran her fingers through Azriel's inky black hair, and he closed his eyes. Despite what happened, he felt at peace.

The dark circles under her eyes from the week she didn't sleep were slowly disappearing, but she was only able to sleep if Azriel was with her.

He was the same way. He looked up at her from his position on her lap, wings folded. 

"Gwyn?" He asked, and she hmmed softly in answer. 

"Are you okay?" He whispered, and she chuckled softly.

"You got kidnapped and tortured for a week, and you're asking if I'm okay?" Her heart melted at his concern, but as long as he was okay, so was she. 

"Well..yeah." He murmured, sitting up so he could be in front of her. "You barely sleep."

"I'm fine, Azriel." She whispered, averting her eyes so he could not see how dull they truly were.

"No, you're not. I know you killed him, Gwyn." Azriel said, wanting for her to truly talk to him. He knows how much taking a life takes a toll on someones soul. How it darkens it. 

"I killed him because he deserved it." She said tensely. "He hurt you, and now there is no Illyrian rebellion, he was the apex of it. I solved it." She said simply.

"Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?" He asked her softly, and tears fell from her eyes as she collapsed into his arms. 

He held her, cradling her head softly as he rocked her back and forth as she clutched and clawed at his shirt, tears soaking it. He felt his heart break for her.

"He was a monster," she whispered through sobs. "I'm happy he's dead. But what does that make me, Azriel? I'm happy that a life was taken, and by my hand!" She whimpered. 

"Love, it's okay," he rocked and she shook in his arms. "It's not! I was taught to nurture and love all life since I was a babe, but I..but I murdered someone." 

"No, you saved me." He whispered. "In every way someone can be saved." 

She calmed down in his arms, but they stayed entwined, as none of them could bare to let go. 

"You're a good person, Gwyn. The best person." He whispered, and she shook her head.

"No, Az. You are." She whispered. "You think you're dark, you think your soul is blackened and your hands are sullied, but I look at you, and I've never felt more warmth, I've never felt more safe than right here, in your arms." She whispered, pulling away and touching his face with her hand tenderly as he gazed at her. "In the arms of my mate."

Those words coming from her perfect lips set him on edge, and he placed a fiery kiss on her mouth which she readily reciprocated. Their lips and tongues danced the way their bodies do whilst they spar, a perfect unity. The passion was evident through their bodies yearning to be closer to one another, the butterflies swarming through their stomachs and the fire that filled their veins wherever they touched the other.

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