Hal then releases ChamAlien from his bubble.

Green Lantern: I'll just take this.

A solid emerald construct in the shape of an open hand beams out of Hal's power ring. But as the sector 2814 Guardian grabs ChamAlien's watch, it releases a pulse blast which knocks Green Lantern to a nearby building.

Green Lantern: okay, that's interesting.

ChamAlien: you're not the first person and alien to try to take this! It's hero time! (Wow, it's been so long since I said that.)

A bright green flash went off on his Omnitrix and transforms into Four Arms.

A bright green flash went off on his Omnitrix and transforms into Four Arms

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Four Arms: FOUR ARMS!

The mighty Tetramand leaps towards his new foe and strikes with his fist, only meeting the Lanterns forcefield. Hal quickly capitalizes on the aliens delayed strike and from behind, constrics his arms in a rope construct, immobilizing him.

Green Lantern: lights out, punchy!

And with enough force, hurled Four Arms into a nearby fire hydrant, bursting it. Green Lantern levitates near, hoping to convince the alien into surrender.

Green Lantern: come on man! Let's stop this before it gets heated.

???: too late!

The burst water evaporates to reveal a new. This alien species is called a Pyronite, also known as Heatblast.

 This alien species is called a Pyronite, also known as Heatblast

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Heatblast unleashed a burst of flame at Green Lantern. Green Lantern dodges and then dodges a few more blast before taking to the air, with Heatblast following. Heatblast unleashes another nurst of flames at Hal, who conjures a giant fire extinguisher to block the flames. Heatblast proceeds to engage in battle as the struggle goes on.

Heatblast: hey! You ever seen a supernova?

Green Lantern: several, actually I-

As Hal saus this, Heatblast unleashes a gigantic wave of flames all around him, forcing Green Lantern yo pull up a force field. Eventually, there is a huge explosion. Hal is unharmed, but tired from having to blocked an intense blast and levitate back to the ground. Heatblast also went back to the ground and takes a moment to trash talk again.

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