Social Anxiety (AU): GN Hange x F reader

Start from the beginning

"What if I stutter or stumble over my words and say something completely stupid?"

"Would you care if someone else did that?"


"There you go, most people are worried about themselves. They won't notice," Hange said gently.

"But I'm still nervous."

Hange thought for a moment, trying to find a way that could allow (Y/N)'s anxiety to reduce. They reached over to their backpack and pulled out a keychain that normally hung there. It was a smooth circle showing a picture of the last place they had gone to visit before this pandemic started—an island called Paradis.

"Here, keep this in your pocket and rub it exactly ten times."

"Ten times?" (Y/N) asked, baffled. "What's that going to do?"

"The mental counting will take away your attention from the thing you're anxious about and it'll focus it on the keychain. Increase the number if ten doesn't work," Hange smiled. "I know it sounds silly, but sometimes distraction works."

"Thank you, Hange," (Y/N) sighed, gratefully.

"And if you ever need me, I'm going to be at the lab in the science building, okay? I texted you my schedule and where you can find me. I'll come whenever you call, even when I'm in class, so don't worry about being alone," Hange gave her a brief hug. "I'll see you at lunch, dear."

(Y/N) walked towards her building, waving to Hange. She inhaled deeply. She could do this.


Unfortunately, it hadn't gone the way (Y/N) had hoped. She had completely made a fool out of herself during the ice breaker question, stumbling over her words. She eventually managed to squeak out that one of her hobbies included reading—which she believed wasn't very interesting. The entire time she was in class, she felt as if people's stares were boring into her skull. Which was irrational, because everyone was taking notes, but she still felt very humiliated. Not to mention that when she stood up to leave, she tripped over her chair and landed hard on the ground.

Currently, (Y/N) was in a stall in the bathroom, trying to calm her trembling hands. Her breaths were coming out in short bursts and she felt as if she might throw up at any second. She had another class in an hour, how was she going to do this all over again? Hange. Hange had said she could go to them. (Y/N) quickly pulled up their schedule from her text messages. Right now, they would be in a lab. Should she disturb them? Probably not...but maybe she'll walk by the room to see if they're busy.

(Y/N) quickly walked towards the science building, keeping her head down and her hands in her pockets. She finally reached the building and quickly entered it, scanning the hallway for the room Hange would be in. The door had been opened and propped by a chair and she inhaled. She'd just walk by and glance in and if Hange was busy she wouldn't bother them.

She quickly walked past the door, casually glancing in. Luckily for her, Hange had been standing directly at the front of the classroom, emptying their beaker contents in the sink.

"(Y/N)?" They looked up, confused.

(Y/N) gave a small wave and watched as Hange took the goggles off, excusing themselves from the lab activity they were working on.

"What's wrong?" They asked, grasping her hands immediately.

"I just wanted to see you," she managed to get out.

Hange frowned and pulled her towards an empty, dark classroom. "It didn't go well, did it?"

Tears immediately rushed to (Y/N)'s eyes and she shook her head. "No! I humiliated myself so badly and I can't go to my other class."

"Oh, love," Hange pulled her into a tight hug, squeezing.

"Can't I just go back home?" She mumbled into Hange's soft sweatshirt.

"What about your classes?"

"I can't pay attention if I'm anxious the entire time!"

Hange smoothed (Y/N)'s hair and gently pulled away. "What if I go to your class with you?"

"But it's not related to your major and you're not registered in the course."

"It's in one of those huge lecture halls, right? Like 200 students? The professor won't notice me," Hange reassured.

"And what about your own class?"

"It's just a 101 for a subject I don't care about. I've read the textbook and it seems like a breeze. The professor already uploaded the syllabus anyways, attendance is not mandatory. And besides, I'm just going to go today so that you're comfortable with the new environment."

"You'd really do that?" (Y/N) whispered.

"Of course, love! And instead of fidgeting with that keychain, you can squeeze my hand the entire time," Hange teased.

(Y/N) hugged Hange again. "Thank you." 

Hange (and AOT) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now