"We should do this in Mr. Toma's room," Owen said. I frowned at him. "You have to undress down to your underwear, Sang."

Oh. Oh. My heart thudded in my chest. My cheeks heated as I shuffled towards Axel's bedroom. Both men followed me in. My fingers played with the hem of my shirt.

"I can step out if you're more comfortable with Mr. Toma." My eyes almost bugged out of my head.

"I'm not uncomfortable around you Owen. I- It's just that I've never undressed in front of anyone before."

"We can turn around if that'll help." Axel offered.

I nodded. They turned their backs, and I removed the shorts and t-shirt folding them as I went. My cheeks heated again when I realized that I'd been wearing the same bra and underwear for a few days. Perhaps Owen would be able to bring me some clean clothes.

Their superior hearing had them turning around as soon as I had placed the folded clothes on the bed. Axel's eyes started at my feet and moved up my body until he reached my face. Owen kept his eyes on my face. It was nice to see who the gentleman was.

Owen stepped behind me, pulling my hair into his hand to hold it out of the way. He ran the device over my neck and down my spine, with his warm skin brushing mine as he went. So much for being a gentleman. I wiggled a little as a chill went through me. Axel reached a hand out brushing my arm where the hairs had raised.

Owen finished with his portion of the scan and handed it off to Axel. His fingers brushed through my hair making my scalp tingle. Axel started with my throat and slowly scanned downwards. The device made a loud beeping sound when he got to my hip. His finger smoothed over my right hip before he continued to scan the rest of me, including my head.

When they were done, Axel tossed the device on the bed. I was very much aware that I was half-naked between two Alphas. My knees shook. Owen pressed in closer to my back. His warm breath brushed against my neck.

"There's a conversation that we need to have, Sang." I felt the rumble in his chest against my back. "Sean brought it up earlier."

"About you letting Axel have me?" I asked. That part of the conversation confused me.

Owen growled, "I am not letting him have you. My wolf had searched for you for weeks. When he found you, he bit you. He sees you as the only person that he wants to be with. As a mate. Usually, our wolves know their mates through scent, but you don't have one. My wolf knew though."

"So, your wolves control that part of you? What happens if the man doesn't agree?" I asked quietly.

"That's never been a problem," Axel stated.

Owen pressed his lips to the mark that he left on my shoulder. "Perhaps I wasn't clear. Yes, my wolf wants you, but so do I."

"You don't hate me then?" My voice trembled a little.

Owen spun me around as his hands cupped my face. "Never. Why would you think that I do?"

"Because Marshall is a Hunter. I thought that maybe you'd hate me as Kota does."

"Sang, no. I could never hate you. Kota has some things in his past that he has to deal with. And he will explain himself." I rested my head on his chest in relief. If Owen had said that he hated me, I wasn't sure how I would have reacted.

Now that, that was cleared up, my mind refocused. "Is your wolf upset with me?"

Owen was quiet for a moment, "if you're asking because you bit Axel, then no he's not upset with you. He's just a tad territorial."

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