Chapter 18: While and a little after the war

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Third pov

In the while kingdom people and creatures were fighting each other. The squad members would lose, that was until asta came from somewhere. Asta came from the sky he looked like he normally would but also not. His hair was a darker gray, his clothes looked battle ready. But it was the four sword that circles around him, that was amazing. The two swords that he already had and a  some new that looked like it came from old times. But indeed the swords came from old times. It was thanks to the 'saviors of a thousend' that he got them. And they are powerfull. He destroyed a whole forest with just one swing of his sword. But now that he was here some of the squad members got their pride back. So they called their strongest spell. Only one on the other side was still alive. Asta came and stoof before all of the squad members, he took the two new swords he got and said a powerful spell. When the other wasn't dead yet asta needed to think, but he has not too much time because a fire crystal came flying towards him at a high speed. Then he tought about yuno, 'he is also stong we need to fight together. Otherwise we can't destroy it.' he tought. Asta swung his sword and stopped most of the spell, then looked back at Yuno and signaled to fight at his side. 

Yuno looked at asta and stepped to him. He got in his battle stance and took a deep breath. Once he signaled back that he was ready they both said their strongest spell and aimed to the creature. Once that the spells were said a black light was seen, also a green light that came from yuno. 

On the other side the creature had not enought time to respond, he got hit. Once he was hit they screamed, a sound that was terrifying for all the people that heard the scream. 

The others waited for the scream to end and once it came to an end. The creature was gone and all of them seemed happy. The war was over and they didn't lose too many of their squad. 

It was one month that the 5 weeks of war was done. The buildings that were destroyed were getting build again with the help of the squad members and with some people who have also enough to help.  

After some more building yuno asked asta to go to their hometown. Asta was happy so he could go and see the children and sister Lily and the boss of it all. Once their 5 days travel ended they both were at the door of the curch. Yuno knocked on the door, Sister lily opened the door and let them in. It was romaticly decorated. The table was decorated and candles were lit. Once they sat down, the children came with food, not the food they used to eat, but a romantic dinner. After dinner and talk they both went out. They went to the forest, they sat by some random tree. Yuno was talking about the past and atsa was laughing at too funny stories. Once yuno was close enough, he looked asta in the eye and then his lips. Asta who saw that leaned in to kiss. The kiss was full or both their emotion, they were happy that none of them died. But so much more. Once the kiss was over, yuno asked asta if he wanted to be his boyfriend. Of course asta said yes.

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