chapter 15: With asta

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asta pov

In the beginning -5 years ago- a day after getting kidnapped

As I was sitting and listening to them I kinda feel bad. They all told me stories of my mom because they do not know my father but that is alright. I'm happy I got to hear stories of my mom. They also told me about the devil is me in me and said that he is me but also not. Really weird but also not. As they let me get comfortable one also told me a war was gonna happen. A war so bad that I need to get stronger and that they would help me so I was happy. They were like godparents to me. So I got ready for the next day.

The next day was really nothing more than I do Just some thousend of push-ups and more. Also swinging with my swords for some more of thousends of times. If I would do that If I was home or in the beginning when I first got it, it would hurt. The same things happened I would train and get stories to hear about my mom. I also got more information about the things that will plan this war. Not the best of things was about to happen.

In the first year I got some more muscle than before. They trainend more my body and what kind of wounds I could get. And not too slow down in some of my attacks that could be a dead or alive case. The food was not the same as it was when I was home. But it taste good not too bad I got used to the food here in six months.  So I can eat as much as I want. They also told me how only 3-4 are alive. But I also missed my teammates and yuno more then anything I hope that he will love if I come back. Maybe we could be in a happy relationship. 

I see it so before me, only us and nobdy else helping the people in our home town. Just being happy nothing that could break us apart for all too long maybe sometimes a night not happy because of an argument. Not always everything needs to be perfect I just hope me and yuno could be happy with the other. Just living our dream. Yeah that would be amazing. But first I need to train so I can become stronger for all of the people there.

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