You don't know why exactly, maybe it's because a part of him seems intimidating, or maybe it's because you don't feel any need to get to know him personally. But despite this, you feel encounters have been fairly similar; him teasing you, and you shutting him down. It wasn't annoying, in fact, you found it quite funny. It was like your little inside joke with him. Just harmless jokes.

You pack up the ice cream and put away your phone, deciding to head upstairs and study for your calc test on Monday.

You reach your room and throw your bag on your desk carelessly before grabbing your towel hurriedly, desperate to take a nice, warm shower. And your cold body currently wrapped in uncomfortable layers ache for its freedom under the steaming hot water.

You aren't looking forward to straining your mind with homework and studying, however, you make sure to be quick, not wanting to waste any warm water. Afterwards, you get dressed into some clean sweats, finally feeling relaxed and comfortable.

Reluctantly, you begin unpacking your bag, pulling out any equipment you needed before sitting down at your desk. You start by running over your notes as you finished up any homework so you can hope to have the weekend free from any work.

♡︎ ♡︎ ♡︎

You notice it's already 1 am when you look at the time on your screen, realising you've gotten distracted on your phone again. You slouch down in your desk chair with a frustrated groan and shove your empty dinner plate — placed precariously on top of your textbooks — further away. "Not again, " you sigh.

You stand up lazily, picking up your plate to take it downstairs and place it in the dishwasher. You try to be as quiet as manageable; waking up Hajime has never done you good...

On your way back up, you notice Oikawa's shoes still by the door, realising he must be spending the night. He often stays on Friday nights, but honestly, you don't take much notice of it since you hardly see him anyway.

You shrug it off and you make your way into the bathroom to brush your teeth which turns out to be irritably difficult when trying to force back endless yawns. Your eyes feel heavy and your limbs exhausted, and staring at your tired face in the mirror is an unpleasant sight in your opinion. But you finish up and rinse your face, hoping to wash away the unpleasant feeling, and then make your way out ready to go to sleep.

However, when you open the door, you halt to see a figure approaching from the stairs, and you squint your eyes, noticing the familiar fluffed hair and tall, toned body through the dark. "Oikawa?" you question, uncertain with yourself.

"Oh. Hey, Y/N," he whispers as he approaches you.

You eye him tiredly, confusion adamant in your expression. "What are you doing up?"

"I was just getting a drink downstairs, don't worry." He looks down at you as you yawn. "Did I wake you up?" he sounds worried as his face falls guilty.

"No, I was up study— on my phone..." you correct yourself quickly. "I got distracted." you laugh awkwardly at yourself.

He leaned down closer. "Hm, usually I'm the one distracting you, " he teases as a grin spreads across his lips.

"Yeah, you wish, " you scoff, nudging him back by the shoulder playfully, but he stays put, his strong stance never faltering.

He only smirks down at you with a menacing glint peaking through his eyes. "...And, so what if I did?" he takes a step closer, so close you could feel his breath tickle your skin as he spoke.

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