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"You want some blood', just got some fresh in

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"You want some blood', just got some fresh in.

"Yes,' if you're having a glass.

"I will, Why not, just two vampires having a nice glass of blood together? I bet normal people only see this shit in movies.

So... Now we hear, can I have your number? plus at least you don't have to follow me everywhere.
He said with a smile.


I take his phone and look at his home screen and it is me and Jungkook, lying down on a beach. My head resting on his chest, I'm smiling. I look so happy, we look so happy.

"Jungkook-k", this is us, I give his phone back, and he smiles at the picture.

"Hmm, that was a good night at the beach". You started a tickle fight and I was running after you. I don't know why you run, Of course, you know how fast I am but you still try to run from me and then we end up falling over. You always fall over everything.

I still do actually. I broke so much of my mother's stuff.

Your laugh is so cute, I remember it well. I once in the past made you giggle like that all the time.

I wish I could remember us being together, the way you talk about us, we sound happy. I sound happy to you.

We were happy, we still can be, "Well if you still want it".

I just smile and look down. He makes me nervous. I look back up and see into his eyes, they are filled with love, for me. I have never had or felt any kind of love from another man.

"What happened Jungkook", why did my father do this?

He was trying to protect you. Your father was a great man, he was there for me. I was his right-hand man. He never looked down on me. Being Trueblood, a lot of pureblood vampires hate Truebloods. They class me as dirty and not worth living, but your father treated me like family.

Your father's bloodline was an ancient one.

"The king".

The blood in his veins was the purest of any vampire. Your blood Alina, it's powerful, and it ruins through you like water. You may be half-vampire but it's still there, inside. The other pure vampires wanted to get rid of him and take over the night. The nightlife of Seoul. Where we all roam and feed. Your dad had orders to the vampires of no feed on humans. The other pure vampires didn't agree, they wanted vampires to take over the human world. They captured him cut his head off and burned his body.

"Omg...where was I?"

You and I were at our special place, at the beach, we went there because you always loved when the moon reflected on the sea.
We made love every time we went there. We together are strong and our connection is what I can't describe in words, we always talked about how we wish to be normal. we talked about what our dreams are and what we are going to do together, seeing the world but always in darkness.

That night at the beach I answered the call about your father being dead and they were coming for you next. I couldn't let them touch you, I would die first before anything happened to you.

"My mother" What happened to her?

I didn't know her, she left before I became a part of your family.

There's something I need to tell y-you, I have not been honest. I lied to you, Alina.

"What about".

I'm the one who took your memories away. I wanted to protect you. I couldn't let anything happen to you.

"I love you.

Your father told me to protect you no matter what. I made you forget me, your father, and everything to do about this place., So that's what I did, it ripped me apart inside. I took you to your adopted mother and told her, that one day you will come and find your family when you're ready.

I told her to tell you to find me.

"Who is the bastard that killed my father"

"Kim Namjoon"

Tears built up in my eyes, anger turning into rage. I wanted to rip his throat out. My fists were turning white. He took my father away from me.

"He will pay".

I'm going to kill that Fucking monster and I'll take over the night, that's what my father would want, and Jungkook.

"You going to help me"!

He froze, just looking at me, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Alina... "Let's do it". Let's make them pay, "TOGETHER".

I grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him on his soft lips. even though I couldn't remember us together when I kissed him, I felt something.

He let out a soft moan.

I pulled away and looked into his dark orbs.


".Yes, darling..."

Give me my memories back. I need to feel the pain and suffering that he has caused me. To use it to fight them all and to be with you fully, to give you all of me again, to be the Alina that you love and remember.

Are you sure? I don't want you to do that because of me. I will always and still love you if you wanna stay this way.

Yes! I want to.

"Close your eyes, baby"

Added a little cute moment of Jungkook and Alina at the beach.

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