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Why didn't I put curtains up before I went to bed?

The sunrise awoke me from my deep sleep. I didn't think I would sleep so well on my first night in my new apartment and get the news from Jungkook. 

I can walk in the sunlight but I have to always wear sunglasses. The pain that I feel is like little needles in my eyes.
My skin pales a lot more when the sun is shining.

(Nothing like fucking twilight, I don't Sparkle,) being pale-skinned,   I do look like the undead.

I'm still pretty bitches.

The conversation with Jungkook keeps playing in my head over and over.

(My father! What is he like, where is he?
Alina listens to me, your father... He's hmm, he died.)

Even though I never knew my father, it still ripped my heart into two. I would have been a part of a real family.
Now my mother is somewhere, I'm still confused about where she is or what happened to her.


Night falls on the streets of Seoul. I walk down this long street and hear music close by.  The Bass of the music is low and heavy. People screaming and shouting.

I walk closely to have a look.

The line for this place is huge. This place must be popular. Bright strobe lights move with the music. The club sign in bright red neon lights. People dance around with a drink in their hands.

(Drink, desire ) club name

Then I feel that shudder again. It moves through my whole body like it's got legs.

"Jungkook" He is near. I can smell him.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and his voice appears out of nowhere. I feel goosebumps all over my body.

I feel fingertips on my skin, around my neck. I close my eyes and I smell his scent, it's intoxicating, it's sweet, and sensual.

Alina...... Darling.
What are you doing out here? Go back home.


I quickly turned around, but he wasn't anywhere in sight.

I look back at the club, I sense that someone or something is pulling me toward that place. There is the answer I need is what is in that building.

I ignore it and move on. Until next time.

I walk down the streets, taking everything in. This place is so beautiful and inviting. It's a lot more exciting than the place I grew up. I never got out much back home, my mother was very overprotected and I understand why she was, people would be scared of me if they found out what I am, she just didn't want me to go through that rejections. to this day, I will all ways be grateful for that.

I came across a cute coffee shop around the corner and decided to step in and grab a coffee to go.

"A large Caramel latte please"  I was about to hand the employee my money until.

I'll have the same please, I'll pay for the lady as well.

"Excuse me, sir, I can pay for......it"

"Jungkook", why are you here and are you following me?

No, of course not, I was just passing and I was heading to your apartment. "so yeah, I'm not following you.

"Good, because it's creepy. I'm just saying. if you want to talk or get to know me, maybe a call or a text would be better.

I don't have your number or I would have called or texted.

"Good point, I smile at the embarrassing comment.

So... I see that you can get into people's minds. "Like me."

Well, mine is more powerful than yours, I can read and control humans and vampires.

"Hmm, more powerful eh, Well at least I can walk in the daytime, unlike someone.

"Ouch," still sassy as always Alina, that is one thing I love about you.

"Jungkook..." Then I look down, to hide my blushed cheeks.

What's it like, being in the sun? I have asked you this question before. I wanna hear again from you.

"Beautiful" but I still have to wear sunglasses, it hurts my eyes. 

"I see" Your vampire self is trying to reach the surface more.

How did you?...

Let's get back to your place, we will talk a lot more and more privately.

We grab our coffee, he takes my hand and we walk out. I feel safe around him like nothing can touch us. We are one, Against the world. I feel that we are meant to be together. I don't want to tell him that, I don't want to scare him away with my sudden boldness.

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