21 . twenty one

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"Okay okay Hyunjin. Don't yelling at me. I guess I know who know his house" I looked up at him. And frowned.


"Your dancemate"


Now.. Here we are. In front of an old house. A small house but it's enough for a small family to live in.

"Is this his house?" I asked. The tears are on the end of edge of my eyes.

"Um yes" Minho hyung said. So this is why he's not telling us about his life. Now I know.

"I think I need to go now. See you on debut day" he said and I nodded. He ran to his motorcycle and wear the helmet. Then he disappeared from my sight.

I knocked the door. Four times.


I heared a woman's voice from the inside. The footsteps coming towards the door and she opened it.

"Oh? I didn't see you before. Who are you dear?" she asked. I bowed to her.

"I'm Hyunjin. Felix's friend. Is he here?"

"Yes he is in his room. I'm worried cuz he's not even get out from his room these 2 days. He's not eating too. I don't know what happened but glad you're here. Come in" she let me enter the house.

"His room is the yellow one. Please persuade(?) him to leave his room and eat?"

"I will try" she nodded then she leave to the kitchen.

Then I walked to the said room. I knocked on his door.

"I said I don't wanna go out, mom! I'm tired!" I heard his voice.

Oh my god how much I miss his voice.

"I'm tired too lix. I'm tired of waiting you to come back to me. Please Felix, open the door" I said.

No response until a voice asked me again from the inside.


I nodded then I slapped myself cuz of the stupidity from Jisung is flying to me.

"Yes I am, lix"

"No! I've been dreaming! I'm not crazy!"

"No Lee Felix! You're not crazy! I'm the only Hwang Hyunjin that you are thinking of! Please open the fucking door!"

Again, no response.

"I swear to god lix. If you still not opening the door in 5 seconds, I will-"


The door opened and there he stood.

The pale Felix. My heart crushed seeing him like this. He's so pale!

"H-Hyun.." he looked at me with the teary eyes then he hugged me.

I hugged him back. I pushed him slowly sitting on his bed without let go of the hug.

"I'm so sorry Hyunjin. It's my fault. I can't control myself. I was so selfish" he sobbed in my chest.

I just patted and draw the circles on his back.

"Let's go eat first and you can tell me everything when you're ready yeah?" he nodded. I set him up and wiped the tears away. I also fixed his messy hair.

I give him a peck on the nose.

"Let's go" I dragged him to the kitchen where his mother was.

"Oh dear! You're so pale!" she hugged him and give him kisses all over his freckled face.

I smiled at the sight.

"I will tell you everything after we done eating mom. I need to tell you the truth"

"Okay hun. Come eat first. You too, Hyunjin" she then pushed the two of us to sit on the chair.

We eat.

End Hyunjin pov


i don't have any idea for the sudden plot twist actually "D

so it becomes a mess


[✓] care . hyunlixOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz