A Taste of Happiness

Start from the beginning

He pushed off the wall and Jimin stared after him. 
He suddenly felt a shift in his heart. 
Maybe... just maybe he wasn't that different from them after all. Perhaps he had a chance to be... friends. 
The least he owed himself was to try. 


"Jungkook! Jungkook! Jungkook!" Jimin shouted, fists raised into the air. He, Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongie and Hoseok stood in a half circles around the table, drinks in hands, cheeks flushed and hooting for the two boys interlocked in a tight battle. Jungkook was winning, but Jin wasn't going down without a fight. 

The last hour had become a blur in his mind. There was a lot of uncertainty in the beginning. The awkwardness of being in the middle of so much attention, the unfamiliar feeling of the bat in his hands, trying to hit the ball and follow the basic rules of table tennis. They had taken turns explaining it to him and even though he wasn't bad at the beginning, he had grown worse with every sip of the liquid Jin had mixed him. He even asked for a second and the warmth in his stomach had spilled into his entire body. Smiling had become easier, so had talking and he found himself loosen up, engaging in conversation like he never managed before. No more stuttering. Alcohol might be his miracle drug! 

"Wohoo!" they erupted when Jungkook scored another point. 
"Yah! Why are you all for him? Not fair!" Jin whined and Namjoon clasped his brother's shoulders, at the same moment a red-cheeked, smiling Yoongi let out: 
"It would be kind of useless to cheer for the looser, wouldn't it?"

"You wanna get beat up, Yoongi?" Jin joked and Jimin laughed as the small boy turned to Hoseok with a: "Hold my beer, I gotta teach this kid a lesson!" And then Jin was chased around the table by Yoongi. Laughter filled the space and Jimin couldn't remember the last time he had felt this... happy and carefree. 
The world fell away- all his troubles and doubts and heaviness- it all evaporated as he got swept up in the laughter, the music, the ridiculous behavior and more drinking. He did things he never would have otherwise and discovered they were a hell of fun- especially done with friends. 

He stood in the corner, catching his breath from- well, what had he been doing? Some sort of singing and dancing, but not in a professional way at all. 

"Are you finally enjoying yourself a little, Jimin?"
He whirled around, nearly loosing his balance but strong hands steadied him with a hand around his waist. And then he stared up at Jungkook, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. 
"I'm okay."
"Just okay?" he asked with raised eyebrows. His gaze did strange things to his stomach, or was that just the alcohol he wasn't used to? Definitely the latter because the next words were nothing he would have usually spoken aloud. 
"You're super tall." 

Jungkook's eyes widened, and then he let loose a small rumble of laughter, the sound making his head spin more than it already was. He tilted his head down, his hot breath teasing Jimin's cheeks.
"I should get you drunk more often, it seems." Was it just his imagination or was his voice different? Lower and .. creamier somehow.
"I'm not drunk." 
"You're slurring your words a little there."
"Am not!"

His eyes flashed brightly as he kept looking down at Jimin and his expression seemed... Jimin had no words to describe what he was seeing. 
"Stop pouting," the taller growled.
Jimin furrowed his brows. 
"Because," Jungkook breathed, and whether consciously or not, brought his head a even closer, a strand of black hair falling forward and tickling his forehead, "you look too freaking cute when you do it."
He felt the hand around his waist pull him a little closer and his pout dropped, his body suddenly on fire, his breath whooshing out of him as he stared up at the taller, his thoughts splintered into a thousand jumbles.

He was still staring up at Jungkook- watched as the tight-clipped way his name was spoke by Yoongi had the younger close his eyes, let out a long, shuddery breath and then- he stepped back. 

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