HELLUVA BOSS- EP. 7// Mountain EverMoon// Pt. 4 (<--Fanmade--)

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The hotel lobby was empty except for Millie who was pacing. She was worried about what both Scarlette and Moxxie were doing.

Well... they obviously weren't doing... you know... you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN

But on a serious note,  she was holding and rubbing her arms.

"Aw don't get your hopes down*, Mills..." Blitzo says.

*(edit because I accidentally put up...)

Millie smiles softly...

"They could be in a better place right now..." Blitzo smiles and moves his arm outwards waving it as if he was showing her the world around them.

"BLITZO!" Millie yells.

Blitzo sits down, "Yeah, you never know what they could be doing * insert ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*"

"NO! I know my Moxxie would never do anything like that..." Millie rests at the window, "It's love..."

"M'kay, you don't know if they are doing though, I rest my case..." Blitzo smokes.

"I wouldn't think you understood love, boss! And even you did understand love, which you don't, you are still wrong!"

Some random Imp secretary walks up to Blitzo, "Mr. Blitzo, you aren't supposed to smoke in the lobbies..."

"Fuck you, I do what I want! And the O is silent bitch!" He yells, he flicks the cigar and the guy's robe catches on fire. 

This scene is supposed to play out fast...

The guy screams and dies on the spot, no one helps the guy because they haven't had weapons and since they didn't, they didn't need the resources to stop something bad from happening...

"That's 30 bodies down so far..." Blitzo smiles to himself.

Loona walks in, "This place is so weird, just look at this..." 

She holds up a bag of 'Destiny's candy flavored mini donuts', "Who makes this shit? Also, I have been smelling this weird scent lately, it smells kind of like a flower... Do you know what that is?"

"Yeah, what is going on in this place? We were all hating on each other when we first came here?" Millie says.

"Yeah, usually I would be fucking obsessed with Scarlette..." Blitzo mumbles, "Which reminds me! Loony you will sniff out the slut and the brains while Millie kills as many people around this fuck hole and WIN THAT BET!!!!"

"Hey, boss! That was actually a good plan!" Millie smiles.

"Aw, thank you! Wait what?"


Moxxie slowly opens his eyes, he sits up only to feel a strike of pain from his stomach, he groans...

"Finally awake?" Scarlette says, "It was raining a while ago, you were soaking wet, so I gave you one of my blankets that carry around in my bag."

Moxxie scoots next to her, holding the blanket close, "You always come prepared, don't you?"

"Yep, after being homeless for 2 years, It really takes an emotional toll on you..." 

"2 years?!"

"Yeah... it was hard... but I made it through with the help of Blitzo..."

"How long have you two known each other?"

"A few years, he offered the job when I finally found the right place to live. So the lesson is, don't be like me."

Moxxie chuckles.

"No, I am being serious!" Scarlette giggles, "No, but really... the real lesson is that no matter how hard things are around you, no matter how hard you try to do things, no matter what, someone will always be there for you, helping you throughout the way..."

They both look at the sky, which showed stars...

Scarlette looks at him, "I really do need to get that in my head though..."

Moxxie smiles, "That was inspirational..."

"Thanks... I am so sorry that I brought us all into this mountain... and that I had the dumb fucking idea to figure out what is wrong with this place..."

Moxxie smiles, "It's what brought us closer together anyways."

"So... should we figure out what is wrong with this place, and why everything is so weird?"



Being an adopted child myself, I know exactly how these things work in these scenes right here, and if you are an adopted child or a parent with one, then you might be able to relate to this, and I am not a parent at all, so sorry if Blitzo doesn't match up well... :(

Loona was sniffing the air for some clues while texting...

"Loona, I know that you love your phone, but are you paying attentio-"

"I am..."






"WHAT!?!" Loona snaps.

"Do... do you hate me?"

Loona stares with a sad look, "No... why would you think that?"

"Well... I don't know, you aren't talking to me much, and you are kind of ignoring me, you are on your phone... and..."

"Blitzo, look... I just... I just... I... *sigh* Look, I may seem distant, but... I am just not used to you... much... when... you... are my... WHY CAN'T I FUCKING SPEAK!?"

Blitzo looks down, "It's okay, Loony... nothing important... it was just a question..."

Blitzo walks farther than Loona, She looked down sadly and held her shoulder...

She sighs...

Crimson Redजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें