Helluva Boss- Murder Family // S1: Episode 1

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"I have been a good person before it all went down... I was good my entire life..."

School bells ring and the window blinds open to reveal birds chirping

The teacher writes "Good Morning!" on a chalkboard, "Good Morning!"

The teacher spins, throws chalk in the air, and catches it, "I hope you all did your homework!"

The kids start singing-

Kids: We love to do our homework, and we love our teacher too!

Teacher: And when I throw out these fun questions you should know just what to do!

Kids: Okay!

Teacher: 2+6 is-

Kids: 8!

Teacher: And good behavior is-

Kids: Great!

Teacher: And it's now that part of the class when we say the time of day and date!

Boy 1: It's nine in the morning!

Girl 1: On January 8th

Girl 2: The sun is out smiling!

Boy 2: And it's your husband's birthday!

Kids: LA~ LA~ LA~ LA~ LA~ LA~ LA~

The teacher was getting nervous, scraping the chalk across the board...

"Oh, my stars! Stop singing children!" The teacher says

The children stop singing...

"Hush up now! I forgot it was my husband's birthday! I didn't him anything special..."

"Maybe if we call him, We could do a happy birthday surprise!" Girl 2 says...


In another room, a moaning could be heard... Socks and underwear were thrown on a computer...

Another idem was thrown on the screen, answering the call... The teacher smiles, then it quickly turns into an angry look...

The children all look shocked, and so did the teacher...

The teacher had a dark look, she stood up and walked away...

Girl 2 runs up to the teacher, "Mrs. Mayberry, remember what you taught us? Think before you act..."

The teacher grabs her throat, all the children look in horror... The teacher throws her in the air to the roof and the roof breaks as she goes up.

She gets into her car and drives at full speed, crashing through the gates and out

All the children look at the computer screen in horror...

"Oh, shit... sweetie! What are you doing here?" her husband asks...

"Shut up Gerald!" Mrs. Mayberry yells.

There were sounds, screaming even and someone says, "You scream like a bitch!"

Blood spreads all over the computer screen, with the children staring in complete shock...

"What have you done!? S-she had a family!" Gerald says

"We could have had a family!!!" Mrs. Mayberry says, then shoots...

Gerald screams

"Oh god, what have I done!?" Mrs. Mayberry wipes the screen, "In front of you all... I'm so sorry my children... don't forget to work on your timetable..."

Crimson RedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon