"You are ridiculous!"
"Maybe YOU are for not wanting to go! You do like boys after all, right? Shouldn't it be your heaven as well?" 
"Gods, please stop it!" 
"Why do you hate it when I point out the obvious?"

"I... I don't even have time for friends!" he let out frustrated. 
"You have time for me!"
"Once a week!"
"Some people only meet their friends in school. It's really no excuse."
"I have to practice in school."
"And during breaks?"
"I also practice."
"You are terribly good at finding excuses, little cupcake."
"I'm simply pointing out the obvious!" he shot back at her. 

She eyed him for a long time, then threw her hands wide in defeat. 
"Fine, go on pretending you are not desperately in need of some friends."
"I always have you," he replied and she smiled sweetly. 
"I'm an old wrinkled woman, Jimin! You need some your own age. Someone... to have some real fun with."
Her eye blazed and Jimin choked again.
"You have such a filthy mind, you know that?"
"Yes, and you are so innocent" She exclaimed, her voice drenched in irony. When Jimin was doing a rather good job of ignoring her, she added: "So you've never thought of your handsome, tall prince in a nasty way?"
"Of course not!" 
"Such a sweet liar."
"I am not."
"Yes, you are."
"No I'm- AGH! You are unbelievable!"

"I'm also right."
He turned red. Bright, burning red, averting his eyes. Jesus, nothing EVER escaped this woman, not even the things that only happened in his dreams. 

"Well, then, since this mater is settled, you better get dressed and head out. Wouldn't want you missing all your... fun." 
Yes, he really couldn't stay here one second longer, or he might actually catch fire being called out like that. 


An hour later he wondered what he had done to deserve this. 
He craned up his neck to look at the fancy building in the middle of Gangnam, his throat dry and his heart pounding so loudly, he was sure the people across the street could hear. 
He was a breath away from turning away and running the other way. 
He didn't belong here. 
He had zero social skill and no idea what he was supposed to do- how to have...fun. 

With trembling hands he reached out and pressed the bell with Jin's name on it. It looked like there were only four other people living in this massive house, which meant Jin must have at least a four room apartment. 
He felt so out of place with his second hand shirt and patched up trousers. 
He ran a hand through his freshly showered hair, releasing a shuddery breath. 
A second later, the door was thrown open wide and Jungkook stood there, his breath heavy like he had run down the stairs. 
"You came," he let out and sounded honestly surprised. 

Jimin glanced down, rubbing his hands against each other, then mumbled something so incoherent under his breath, not even he himself knew what it was supposed to mean. 

"You gonna come in?"
Jimin hesitated and then the younger boy chuckled. 
"If not I'll just pick you up and carry you upstairs."

His head snapped up and met his eyes. They sparkled and there was a triumphant smile plastered on his face. 
"I'll keep having to catch you off guard it seems." 

Jimin narrowed his eyes at him. 
"Or make you angry. Either way works for me." 
"Whatever," he murmured and pushed past him. 
"Shame," he heard Jungkook's soft murmur and he wondered what he had hoped for. Certainly not to actually be able to make true to his threat of carrying him?
"This way." Jungkook then announced and pointed up the staircase. 

Jimin tried not to look too closely at the grand exterior of the hallway or notice the fact that the stairs creaked not the least bit. He hated the memories such fancy houses brought with it. 
Jungkook came to a stop in front of a large, white door, then typed in a six-digit passcode before the door beeped and swung open. 

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