Chapter 1

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Brushing away the loose hairs covering my eyes, I inspect my complexion in my bedroom's glossy mirror. Round, deep hazel eyes stare back at me, covered by dark, thick lashes. My lustrous onyx hair tickles my shoulders; makeup covers the heavy bags under my eyes. Revealing my perfectly straightened teeth, I grin. 

''You're going to be awesome today Maya!'', I say with as much enthusiasm as I can muster, throwing myself a cheeky wink. ''Fuck people and fuck their opinion, you're going to stride down those school hallways like a boss bitch''. 

Gods, I'm so pathetic. They are going to think I'm an absolute weirdo. 

It's not the first time I'm going to a new school and I'm sure it won't be my last either. I've ran out of fingers and toes for the amount of times me and my mum have moved and I'm so sick and tired of it.  But something feels different about this move. Rolling my eyes, I scowl. I can't keep giving myself false hope. It's never going to happen. 

Giving myself one quick glance at the mirror, I make my way to breakfast in a desperate attempt to distract myself from the inevitable. Fucking school. Grabbing a protein bar off the table, I scoff it down, listening to the tunes blaring out the Alexa. Squealing, I jump out of my seat as 'Shake it Off' comes on. I love all of Taylor Swift's songs but this song is definitely my favourite of hers. 

Dancing like a maniac, I scream the words out (sounding like a dying hyena), feeling a buzz rush through me.  

''What the hell are you doing?'', exclaims mum, shaking her head at my dismal appearance, ''aren't you supposed to be at school already?''. 

Laughing, I swivel around, bowing dramatically as the song comes to a close. Face red and fists clenched: I'm surprised steam isn't pouring out of her ears. Mood killer. 

''And where are you going so early in the morning looking like that?' I retort, taking a minute to analyse the expensive suit that clings to her body. 

A black form-fitting blazer and a tight, crimson dress shows off her soft curves. Blush graces her high cheekbones; staggering sapphire eyes enhances her face. Blonde curls flow down in waves, shimmering as the golden kitchen lights hits them and her full lips are smothered in lipstick. I've always wanted to look like her. Perfect. Put together. But I'd never take her personality. Bitch. 

''You know I have an important interview and don't speak to me like that, young lady'', she scowls, ''don't avoid my questions either for that matter. Why aren't you at school? You don't want to be late on your first day of school''. 

Rolling my eyes, I give her a bored expression. Party pooper. Does she not know you can easily get away with being late on your first day? 

Mouth agape, I plan to present to her my perfectly mapped out excuse until I see 'the look' most mums give when they are angry. 

''I'm going, chill'', raising both hands up in surrender. Smirking, I glance at my watch, the hand nearing nine o'clock. ''Oh, would you look at that! The bus has gone already''. Tutting, I look at her expectedly, giving her my best puppy eyes. She sighs, cursing under her breath. I knew that would break her. 

''Fine, just this one time'', grabbing the keys off the side, she carefully places the car keys in my hand, wincing like it physically pains her to be apart from her baby. ''But if there is one scratch on my car....''

''Yeah, yeah, I know. I won't see the light of day, you'll put me up for adoption, no pocket money for a year etc etc'', waving the keys in her face, I'm about to walk off but she grabs my hand, pulling me closer. 

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