Usually, since they both enjoyed driving, one of them would drive them places. But today her dad felt the need to order them a limo, she assumed it was to impress whatever rich family he chose for her. 

They arrived at the meeting place fashionably early (which made the whole limo thing completely pointless but whatever), it was some fancy ass restaurant that she had never been to since it's entire menu was almost solely seafood based and neither she or her father were a fan of it. But as her father said, the place was chosen by the other family, which meant they had to be big on fish. Ew.

Speaking of them, they haven't arrived yet. Asami was a little bit surprised about that, since she assumed they'd want to impress her and her dad by getting there way too early in order to convince Asami to marry their son. So immediately, points down to them.

(She definitely wasn't just fishing for faults, who does that?)

"That's the Satos for you," Hiroshi chuckled, "always early."

"Then I wish they were Satos too," Asami muttered, tapping her fingers impatiently against the table they were seated in.

Her dad scrunched his nose in fake disgust, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "That's repulsive, Asami. Do you wish to marry your cousin?"

"Ew, what the fuck dad? That is not what I meant! I don't even have a cousin!"

"I have a cousin, two actually. I wouldn't suggest marrying them though, they're really creepy." A female voice came.

Asami jumped from surprise, not having expected anyone to overhear them. And when she looked to the side her jaw dropped when she saw the girl's lopsided grin, and when recognition hit the girl standing beside the table a moment later, her blue eyes widened.

Oh no. Asami really fucked up...


"You must be Korra," Hiroshi stood up, shaking the girl's hand, who only just now took her eyes off Asami just to smile at Hiroshi.

Korra? But that's the name of the guy she's being set up with...

What the fuck is going on?

"I am. And I'm hoping you're Hiroshi," Korra joked, making Hiroshi burst out laughing as she sat down across from them, ".... which means you must be Asami." Korra said with a weak smile, offering her hand for a handshake.

Get it together Asami! "Pleasure to meet you." She took Korra's hand, the physical touch reminding her of last night.


If it would've been up to Korra, she would be curled up in bed feeling sorry for herself and eating doritos. But of course, nobody asked Korra what she wanted to do. Her friend Opal just decided that they needed to 'celebrate' her last night of freedom. So instead of just laying in bed doing absolutely nothing, she now found herself in a bar.

She never wanted an arranged marriage, however, being the 'princess' of the southern watertribe made it pretty obvious that she's gonna have to get one. But, after moving out of the palace and into republic city and making it to twenty six without her parents even mentioning it, she thought she was off the hook.

Turns out, she was wrong. One month ago her parents called to let her know that they found a suitable girl for her to marry. 

Well, at least they were being considerate about her bisexuality... that's something.

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