Chapter 20 - Falling for him

Start from the beginning

I didn't dare to close my eyes, because I didn't want him to stop singing and I couldn't take them off him. The song was over and he began to sing another melody, that I had never heard before and I didn't even dare to breath, because it sounded so beautiful. He smiled gently at me and wiped a tear away from my cheek, that I hadn't even noticed I had shed.

„Close your eyes. You need to rest." he said and chills ran down my spin as he drew circles on my bare shoulder with his long slender fingers.

I followed his order and closed my eyes as he continued singing. He shifted slightly under me and I snuggled more into him, pretending he was a human sized pillow, that I was laying on. My stomach was facing his and my arms laid comfortably on his chest. I could almost imagine the rock hard abs underneath his hoodie as he held me in his arms. When he began to sing me another popular Korean lullaby I began to slowly drift into sleep.

My morning alarm woke us both up. I had to rub my eyes several times before I remembered what had happened a few hours ago. When I did, I quickly removed myself from him and went into my bedroom to get me some time to think.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and changed into some fresh clothes for work. I was embarrassed, that I had allowed myself to fall asleep on him.

„Can I use your bathroom?" Jungkook asked me with his raspy morning voice as I walked back into the living room.

„Yeah sure. There is an unpacked toothbrush in the cabinet underneath the sink, that you can use." I told him.

„Thank you."

He gave me a shy smile and his ears were all red, as he stretched out his leg, got up from the couch and disappeared into the bathroom. I made myself and him some coffee. The morning after always felt awkward like this but Jungkook and I hadn't even done anything. We had just cuddled like normal friends would do, but why did it feel like this then?

He came back into the living room and sat down at the round dining table. I handed him the plain coffee, that had no sugar or milk or creamer in it.

„Thank you." he whispered and put his hand around the coffee mug.

„I can drive you to work." he offered.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

„If you want to. I-I mean I have to go there anyway." he stuttered as he noticed my face expression and fidgeted with his fingers.

He always seemed to do that when he was nervous. I found it cute.

„Yeah, I would like that." I said.

His mouth twitched into a smile and he took a sip from the coffee, that I had made for him earlier, just to spit it right back into his mug seconds later with a disgusted face.

„What is this?" he asked in a high pitch tone.


„No, this is a death brew or something but certainly not a coffee." he complained and I laughed because he was so dramatic.

We sat in silence for a while.

„You know I would've never thought that I would be friends with somebody that can't hit a single note one day." he said as I put both coffee mugs into the kitchen sink.

„Hey!" I yelled at him, because of the insult.

He laughed.

„I didn't know that we were friends." I mumbled, being slightly hurt by that word.

I didn't want to be his friend. I wanted to be more to him than that.

„Of course we are." he said.

We decided to get some breakfast on our way to work but still managed to be the first ones that arrived at the HYBE building. Once we were in the dance studio we began to munch on our croissants, that were filled with chocolate. An awkward silence hung between us again. There were a lot of unspoken words and questions I wanted to ask him, but I didn't dare to say them out loud. I didn't know how to act around him anymore. It drove me insane.

I checked my E-Mails on my phone to distract myself from the situation and noticed something odd on the schedule, that Mr. Choi had sent me for this week. I looked back up at Jungkook, who was also playing with his phone.

„Why do we have no dance practice on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week? Are you all doing something else those days?" I asked him.

His eyes locked with mine and even that made my heart flutter with excitement. It was so stupid.

„Oh, did nobody tell you yet?"

He ran a hand through his blonde hair, that already reached to his high cheekbones.

„Tell me what?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, having no clue what he was talking about.

„After every two months of work we get 3 days off, because we also have to work on weekends and on holidays. Namjoon requested, that we would get some days to rest one day and they made it a rule." he explained to me.

„That makes sense. You guys definitely deserve it. I've never met any celebrity before, that works as hard as you do every day."

„Thank you."

He grinned at me, almost child like with his nose scrunched up and his cute bunny teeth on display. I loved this sweet side of him and couldn't get enough of it. I hoped that he would stay like this forever.

We didn't get a chance to talk about something else, because the others barged into the room. I told myself, that I should just let it go and not think about him holding me tightly in his arms, while I slept on him anymore. As he had said afterwards, we were just friends and it should stay that way.

I only refreshed their memory today and practiced some old choreographies with them. Hoseok almost remembered all of them, which was amazing. After we were done Jungkook and Jimin came over to me.

„Got some questions regarding the choreographies?" I asked them without facing them, while I tied my shoe.

„No, we wanted to ask you something else." Jimin said.

I turned around to look at them. They both smiled at me.

„What is it?"

„Well Jimin and I will be going to our hometown Busan for the days we have off and we thought it would be nice to take you with us, so you get to see more of South Korea." Jungkook explained.

„What do you think? You want to come with us and drink some Soju on the beach?" Jimin asked me with a big smile.

„Come on, it will be a lot of fun." Jungkook said and something in his eyes made me want to go with them.

„Yeah, plus you shouldn't spend your free days alone at home." Jimin agreed.

„Please." they both said together and looked at me with begging eyes.

„Okay, okay. I'll come with you, because you're right I shouldn't spend my days off home alone."

I threw my hands in the air and smiled at Jimin. He quickly hugged me and Jungkook did the same thing after him. My heart did happy backflips as I was pressed against Jungkook's muscular body once again. His hugs always felt so good, that I never wanted to let go of him.

„We will drive to Busan after the dance practice tomorrow." Jimin informed me, as Jungkook slowly let go of me.

I immediately wanted to hug him again.

Oh, what had I gotten myself into this time?

• • •

We surpassed 500 reads. I'm so happy. 🥳 Thank you for reading this story.

I hope you liked this part, even though it was kinda short and not that much happened. The next chapters will be a lot longer and some will be from
Jungkook's point of view again. Please don't forget to click on the star and tell me what you thought about it in the comments.

Love u



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