Chapter 34:: Sneaky Mate

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An/ guys I almost did the scariest thing ever. I didn't know my crush was coming and right when I turned my head, I noticed how close he was and I  was about to reach out and touch him but stopped myself. I felt my self taking control by itself l, I  don't know why I had an urge and confidence to do something so dangerous. Good thing I stopped myself or else I wouldn't be able to show my face infront of him ever again.

Anyway now to the story!!!!


Marceline's POV

Some one had bumped into as I had walked towards my second period class and just guess who it is, Bridget.

She smirked and so I sent her a smile. I can't wait until I give birth so I'll can beat that little smirk off her face.  I continued my way threw the hallway and felt some one pick me up. I kinda screamed a bit but already knew who it was.

"Liam, put me down" I say. He had swung me around one time then sat me down. Man I'm going to puke later.

"Whose my favourite girl in the entire world?" He says. I gave him a look. "What's with the corny question?"

"No, reason just happy."  He says.

"Oh, yeah I wanted to mention to you, I want my cartilage pierced after school today"

"Uh, sure" he says.

"Come on, your boyfriend not my dad...better response?"

"Yeah, Sure...better?" I nodded with a smile. "Let's get to class before the bell ring" he says.







Hakeem's POV

I had took another shot right before they both headed off somewhere, damn I need to catch them at a better time. "Oooooo, What are you doing?" I heard a light girl voice say behind me. How'd I get caught so easily? I had sucked in a breath and put a fake smile on and turned around.

"Just taking pictures around the school, for the year book"  I say with a fake smile. She narrowed her eyes at me. "Your lying, liar" she says. Who the hell is this girl?

"I haven't seen you around here before" she says. "I've been attending this school for three months now and I'm a senior" I say.

"Hmmm, I'm Bridget" she says putting her hand out. "Hakeem" I say. "Nice name"

"Thanks, I guess" I say.

"I'm a sophomore and I was heading to bug Marceline but I saw you and it seems, I've taking more of a liking to you" she says bitting her lip. She's weird, what is she talking about.

"Your hot, your tall, you have a deep smooth voice, and you smell wonderful" she says sniffing as she closed her eyes then opened them again.

"Uh" I say not knowing what else to say. She's weird, really weird. "But before I leave, I need something to remember you just in case I never see you again" I looked at her strange, what does she want?

She had grabbed my collar on my shirt and pulled me down to her level and smashed her lips against mines, strangely I liked it. This lasted for a minute before she pulled away. She smirked. "A kiss, your lips are really sweet but to break it to you, I'm in love with Liam Johnson" she says.

I shrugged. "Don't care, why are you telling me this?" Actually a part of me did care for some reason, I felt hurt, betrayed, and anger but I don't even know this chick. She's hot and all but she looks psychotic, she would make a good partner to take down Liam but I feel that she already screwed that up.

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