She said as Iida stood up.

Iida: Momo defended herself from that villain she kills people for money and assaulted a fellow student.

By this point I had enough and stepped out.

Izuku: If what you say is true then you are just as much of a villain as us seeing how you assaulted me when you thought I was a damn traitor.

I said shocking him.

Izumi: That was different you were framed Ruby tried to kill Momo.

Izuku: And I ought to kill you for what you did to me!

I shouted shocking the class.

Izuku: You guys were the ones that sent me to prison where I was recruited by the CIA lost my arms and legs and not to mention where I learned how fucked up this world truly is and if given the order make no mistake I'll follow through with a smile on my face.

I said walking off as Yang followed.

Yang: Thanks for defending my sister back their.

Izuku: No problem I hate it when people talk bad about my wife.

I said not realizing my slip up.

Yang: Wait wife?

Blake: that's what I heard.

Blake said coming out of nowhere as I realized my mistake.

Yang: when did this happen?

Izuku: Oh I think I have a assignment that needs completing by tomorrow. So I'll see you in the morning.

I said trying to get out of the situation I got myself in but before I could run Blake made clones to hold me down.

Yang: Why are you calling her your wife.

I tried to think of a lie but her eyes when red.

Izuku: Because were uh married.

I said preparing for a fight.

Yang: Well at least she found the right guy.

Izuku(confused): Huh?

I was confused.

Yang: what you're a good guy and provide that you would kill anyone who hurts her if anything you're better then any of the other people in this school.

Blake: and the perfect choice for any girl.

Yang: Wait if you were disowned what is her last name.

Izuku: *sigh* I took her maiden name.

I said as an Idea popped into my head.

Izuku: You hate the school right.

Yang: Yeah.

Blake: Nothing but fakes.

Izuku: Then lets talk.

Time skip

After talking with Yang and Blake I was walking to my room going over the orders I received from command two weeks ago. Suddenly there was  knock at my door. Opening it I saw Diaz on the other side.

Izuku: Diaz what are you doing here.

Diaz: We have one of the leagues members in the interrogation room.

I smiled at the news.

Izuku: Well lets go.

I said stepping out of my room and following Diaz.

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