12 ~ Headaches

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When Cara woke up, her limbs were heavy, and a pulsing headache throbbed in her brain. She couldn't quite remember the events of the previous night, but it came back in flashes.

Getting ready.


A movie.



She definitely had a hangover.

She managed to swing her legs out of the bed, and stood up slowly. She shuffled to the bathroom, and searched the drawers and cupboards until she found some paracetamol. She took a couple, then went back to the bed.

As she got in, James stirred a little and groaned, rubbing his forehead.

"What time is it?" he muttered.

"I don't know." Cara mumbled back.

"What happened last night?" He asked, confused.

"Shhhh," Cara moaned, wincing at her headache. "My head hurts."

"Mine too." James sighed, then rolled over to face her. "I remember singing, did I sing?" he asked.

"Yes, you sang. Me too, and Jennifer and Michael and Hugh." Cara said - remembering more information the more she spoke.

James groaned. "I sang Copacobana - didn't I?" he looked very embarassed.

"Yes, you did." Cara laughed, and James winced, maybe from embarrassment, maybe from his headache.

"What time is it?" James asked again.

"You said that already." Cara muttered.

"Well I can't remember what you said."

"I didn't answer anyway,"

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know what time it is." Cara chuckled.

"Oh." James mumbled. "Can you find out?" he asked, and Cara leaned over to the bedside table, and picked up her phone.

"Argh!" she groaned, as the brightness of her mobile blinded her. She pulled away from the table, and dropped the phone on the bed, face up.

"Turn it off - turn it off!" James moaned, shielding his eyes from the beam of light that the device gave off.

Cara reached over, and fumbled with the phone - squinting - until she had turned the brightness down.

"What am I doing?" she asked, forgetting what James had asked in the first place.

"The time," James groaned, uncovering his eyes.

Cara looked at the clock.

"3:30." she said, before adding "pm."

"Ugh," James said, repositioning himself. Cara put down her phone, and cuddled up to him as he opened his arms out for her.

"I'm sorry about the singing," he mumbled into her ear.

"I think it was pretty good," she laughed, and James groaned.

"How do you even remember?" he asked.

"I don't remember the singing, I just remember being strangely impressed."

"Hey - strangely?" James mocked.

"Yes strangely - now shut up - my head hurts." Cara grinned, and James chuckled - rubbing his face into her cheek.

"Mine too."

"You said that already."

And again, they fell asleep.

Waking up for the second time that, well, afternoon, Cara sat up and was suddenly overcome with hunger.

She headed into the kitchen, wobbling as she walked, until she found the room service menu.

She shuffled back into the bedroom, and sat on the bed.

James woke up and groaned.

"I'm hungry." he moaned, and Cara picked up the phone.

"What do you want?" she asked, and James thought for a moment.

"Pancakes. And chips."

"Pancakes and chips?" Cara asked, confused at the random selection.

"Pancakes and chips."

"Suit yourself," she laughed, and ordered pancakes and chips for James, and macaroni cheese for herself.

Around 5 minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

Cara got up and shuffled to the door, retrieving the food they'd ordered.

"Your pancakes and chips are here," she yelled through to the bedroom, and James responded with a grunt.

Sitting down on the sofa, Cara turned on the TV and began to scoff her macaroni cheese.

James joined her as the news came on.

"Macaroni cheese?" he laughed, and Cara nodded.

"This is my hangover remedy. It is the food of the Gods." she smiled, stuffing her mouth with a spoonful.

James laughed and turned his attention to the news.

"Hey look, it's us!" he grinned, as the reporter from last night gave her little speech about the significance of James taking Cara to the premiere after only dating for a few weeks.

Cara laughed as the woman went on.

"So who exactly is this 'Cara Greene'? Well we found out; she's one of the top editors for the Times' Style magazine, and lives in Central London. We have a feeling she'll be home from Paris soon - so be on the look out for Charles Xavier in the city!" the woman ended her report and Cara almost choked on her macaroni cheese.

James laughed and looked at Cara - who was completely shocked.

"How did they even find out about that?" she laughed.

"You're surprisingly calm about this," James chuckled, gesturing to the television.

"Well I don't really care what they say about me, they're just jealous because they don't have you," Cara grinned, and James laughed again.

"So Cara Greene, one of the top editors of the

Style magazine, how come I didn't know this about you already?" James raised an eyebrow.

"You never asked," Cara laughed. "And when are we leaving Paris?" she asked - realising she hadn't thought about leaving before.

"Whenever we want to," James winked, pulling her into a hug and kissing her head.

"And what if I don't want to?" Cara grinned, looking up at him.

"Then we'll never leave."

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