6 ~ Preparations

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Waking up to the sound of her mobile vibrating, Cara checked the message she'd recieved.

1 new message: James
Got some more info on the premiere, can you come up for a chat?

She quickly replied and dressed, and once she decided she was happy with her face, she left her room and almost ran up to James'.

She knocked twice on the door, then moved to the side.

The door opened, and Cara leapt out from her hiding place, almost crying with laughter when she realised it wasn't James she had scared, but Michael - and he let out quite a scream.

"Oh jeepers Cara!" he laughed as she stumbled in - still in fits of laughter.

"I'm sorry!" she managed to stutter, and Michael continued to laugh as he pulled her into a hug.

"Christ you scared me - I'm sweating like a cornered nun!" he panted, pretending to mop his forehead as Cara laughed.

James walked in from the bedroom and raised an eyebrow.

"What on earth is going on?" he chuckled, shaking his head. But he got no reply from the pair by the door, both of them still cackling.

Cara walked over to James, giggling, and hugged him.

"Good morning to you too," he mumbled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

Michael coughed. "Let's keep it PG, alright?" he laughed, sitting down on the armchair (now appropriately named 'Michael's chair').

Cara and James broke the kiss and grinned at Michaels discomfort as they sat down on the sofa, Cara leaning on James' shoulder with his arm draped over her.

"So what's this new info on the premiere then?" Cara asked, turning her head to face James.

"Well," James began. "I got a call saying that it's a week today, and it's somewhere in Paris." but before he could continue, Cara interrupted with a squeal of excitement.

"Oh my goodness, Paris?" she buried her head into James' chest - giggling with excitement.

"Yes, Paris." James chuckled as Michael rolled his eyes.

"May the Lord help us with you two in the city of love." He grinned and James laughed again as Cara kissed him.

"Guys, come on. Get a room!" Michael laughed, chucking a cushion at them.

"You seem to be forgetting that this is our room." James turned to Michael, throwing back the cushion.

It hit him square in the face.

Cara cackled at Michael's shocked face, and she almost fell off the sofa as she clutched her stomach. Looking up, she was hit with a face-full of cushion.

Seconds later, a full-blown fight had begun.

Cara launched the cushion back at Michael, but he lunged behind the armchair just in time, and it flew over him. Cara giggled and ducked behind the sofa as another bag of feathers came hurtling past. James - who had sheltered behind the sofa with Cara - managed to hit Michael with a couple, and Michael had also managed to hit James, before throwing a cushion straight into the middle of the war.

Cara crawled out from behind her sofa-barricade to retrive the cushion. She had almost reached it when James leapt infront of her.

"No Cara! It's a trap!" he yelled dramatically before being pummelled to the ground by Michaels barrage of soft objects.

Cara crouched next to the now-lifeless James and began to fake-weep into his chest.

"No James! Why did it have to be you? Anyone but you!" she whined and cupped his face in her hands - bringing him closer to her.

"James..." she whimpered, and he laughed as he suddenly reawakened. He closed the distance between them by pulling Cara down and kissing her, rolling over so that she was pinned underneath him. Michael let out a groan as he reemerged from behind the armchair.

"You!" he boomed, pointing at James. "I thought you were dead!" he continued, before breaking down in laughter. Cara shoved James off the top of her as she laughed too, and soon they were all lying on the floor in hysterics.

Michael managed to stand up, once he'd controlled his laughter, and he realised that he had a casting to get to. As he waved goodbye and shut the door, James turned to face Cara, still chuckling a little at the events of the cushion fight.

"So, Paris." he grinned and Cara smiled up at him.

"Paris." she nodded, and tried to sit up before being pulled back down on top of James, lying on the carpet with their foreheads touching.

"Why do we always seem to end up like this?" Cara laughed and James just smiled.

"Hey, I don't see anyone complaining." he added, before pulling her down into another kiss.

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