8. The Paris Parachute

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Here's the next chapter so I hope you enjoy! Also this is something I wrote for school so sorry if it's a bit weird. I just changed the character to Peter. It's also unedited because I do not care about that when I do school work. Btw Peter doesn't have his powers because I'm too lazy to change it. This also not very accurate.

I knew I should have worn a parachute this morning. It started this morning. I was in the middle of a dream. I found the Past Day flag. Every year someone would hide a flag. If you discovered it, you would receive $100,000. I was woken up by the ringtone blaring from my phone. "Who's calling me at 2 in the morning." I thought. I looked at the contact and saw my boss, Director Fury calling. I click answer.

"Agent Parker speaking," I said.

"Agent Parker," Director Fury said. "I'm glad you picked up, considering last time."

"Well... I got nothing."

"Look, I know you're on your break for Past Day, but we have a mission that is time-sensitive." The director said. I sighed but regained my composure. I just wanted to go to all the old buildings. But I couldn't say no to my boss. I would never get promoted. "Of course. What is the mission, may I ask?"

"We don't have much information. The one thing we do know is that your brother escaped and has very bad plans. You are the only one who might be able to talk him down from destroying the world."

"Give me 10 minutes."

That is how I started chasing my brother Harley, through Paris. He was jumping over tables, running through boutiques to reach his checkpoint before I caught him. Okay, maybe it was the other way around, but it doesn't matter. We passed Notre Dame. We passed the Louvre, where families were gazing at the museum.

He was chasing me towards the biggest attraction of Paris, the Eiffel Tower, which was one of the tallest buildings when it was built. There were two ways to do this. One: try not to go there and not succeed in my mission. Two: Go on top and hope he has a parachute I can 'borrow'. I made the riskier choice.

I started climbing the bars. My skin was sticking from the cold air, which was slowing me. Harley was gaining on me. After more bars, he tugged on my pant leg. I kicked him in the face. There was a crack coming from his nose. He fell, and I kept climbing. Surprisingly, he caught himself about 10 meters from the ground. I reached the top and everyone was safe, I asked for help.

"He's faster than me. What should I do?" I looked down and saw him.

"Well, take the speed out of the question altogether." Fitz said through the microphone. A free-fall fight. I climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower and waited. Anxiety started seeping into my veins. I tried not to think about the possibility of me going splat onto concrete. After a few minutes, I saw a pair of hands reach the control room. Once his face became visible, he sneered. He pulled himself up and stalked to the window and shattered it. Dramatic Much?

He scaled the tower, holding a device in his mouth. It was black and in the middle, there was a red button. I've learned that if there's a red button, someone can't push it. While he was climbing, I put on glasses that S.H.I.E.L.D.  provided. I looked at him, and the glasses started searching for a parachute using x-ray vision. There wasn't one.

I searched around for anything that would help, and my brother was gaining on me. I decided to ask my supervisor for help.

"Is there anything that could act like a parachute?" I urgently asked the supervisor.

"Is the Eiffel Tower by any chance the place where they hid the flag?" Without speaking, I started to look around with my glasses for the flag. And 8 feet below me on the other side was the flag. I scampered down the side, retrieved it, then started tying it to my back.

"This is not at all aerodynamic, but maybe a miracle will happen."

There was a clunk beside me. My brother had reached me. I saw the big red button was now in his hands. He smirked and pressed it. Almost immediately, the whole world started to shake.

"What did you do?" I yelled over the thunder of disappearing bars.

"I'm simply destroying people's lives, just like they did mine. Now all of the ancient buildings are disappearing all around Earth." He responded in an evil tone.

"You really want to kill 100s of millions of people so they can feel your pain?"

"I just said that, didn't I?" He said in an annoyed voice.

"If losing most of our family made us so unhappy, why would you wish it upon others?" I started jumping from bar to bar so I don't fall.

"I don't need to explain my actions to some insignificant bug."

"Ok, 1: Rude. I'm your brother 2: What about Morgan? You love her. What if she gets killed today?"

"She will be fine. I have her in a safe place where no harm will come to her."

"Really, because that girl sure looks a lot like her," I said, pointing to someone on the ground. I actually did see someone who looked like her, but I knew it wasn't her.

"What are you talking about?" He said, snatching the glasses away from me. After thinking he confirmed it was her, he yelled in frustration.

"Why do you do this to me?" He whispered. I never got to see this side of him, the vulnerable one. I felt kind of bad as she was the only one he cared about.

"If you continue, you will be endangering our last family left."

I had finished tying the flag a while ago. I had no idea how he would react if he found out.

The bar I was standing on disappeared, but Harley grabbed me. He looked down again at the person and squinted. The realization dawned on his face. He let go of me but I pulled him with me. The feeling was something I had never experienced. I realized I pulled Harley with me. I looked all around and saw him around 6 feet away from me. I moved to grab him. Time seemed to be going in slow motion. I grabbed him and knocked him out so he wouldn't struggle when he reached the ground. We were approaching the concrete. I held onto him, but there were some close calls. I released my parachute. Eventually, I started to feel that we were slowing down.

Finally, at the last moment, my parachute caught me and I dropped clumsily on the ground. Miracles really do happen. Harley was limp in my arms from when I knocked him out. Waiting 5 meters away were many Agents from the S.H.I.E.L.D. I was blushing as red as a radish because I was receiving so many praises, and pats on the back.

"Good job Agent Parker."

"I knew you could do it."

"That jump was crazy. Most people wouldn't risk that," Surprisingly, that word came from Director Fury. "I think it's time you get that promotion you wanted."



I am SO sorry for not updating! I had writers block so yeah. Also sorry for the long note up top. I'm working on another chapter right now so expect another one today or tomorrow!


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