6. Incorrect Quotes

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These don't belong to me! I found them on tumblr

Peter looking at Bucky: Jesus? Is that you? 

Bucky: Uh... no.

Peter: Am I in the Med-bay?

Tony: Yeah, Bambi.

Peter: Did I save everyone?

Nat: You did, маленький паук.

Peter: And I survived?!

*Avengers nod*

Peter: Oh snap!

*Avengers look at him incredulously and/or glaring*

Peter: Too soon?


Clint: Peter, I dare you to-

Tony: Peter isn't allowed to accept dares

Clint: Why

Peter: Apparently I have 'no regard for my for my own safety'


Computer : make password

Mj : Shuri

Computer : too weak

Mj : *punches monitor*

Mj : say that again you mofo


sam wilson: *minding his business*

peter parker from the shadows: i have a lot of ideas, a lot of ideas that people don't agree on me with.

sam wilson: what?

peter parker: the letter q should be eradicated


Tony: Why can't trees give off something important like WiFi?? 

MJ: So fuck oxygen I guess

Peter: Stop it Mr. Stark! You're hurting the oxygen's feelings!


Tony: He's from space. He came to steal a necklace from a wizard

Peter: It do be like that


Tony: I'm not mad i just wanna know why you two need a fake ID?

Peter: *mumbles*

Tony: what was that?

Harley: ... you need to be over 18 at petCo to hold the puppies


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