12. Truth or Dare

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Summary: Peter, MJ, and Ned play a game of truth or dare

"Hey losers," I heard MJ say from the couch."Wanna play truth or dare?"

"Duh," Ned answered I shrugged.

"Why not?"

"Ok... Peter. Truth or Dare?" MJ asked me.

"Dare." "I dare you to sing a praise song about me."

"🎤MJ, you are mysterious and kind in your own way?🎤" I sang off pitch. I tried to rhyme at least.

"I'd prefer more but I'll take it."

I ask the next question. "Ned, truth or dare?"


"Is it true that you—"

"Okay I confess!" He interrupts.

"Wait what?"

"I try on you Spider-man suit when you're not around! I'm sorry!"

"Wait, Ned, I don't care about that."

After a few awkward seconds, MJ speaks. "Moving on ...."

"MJ, truth or dare," Ned questions.


"Okay," Ned says with a sly smile on his face. "Who do you have a crush on?"

Ned! Why would you ask that! Well I guess this is going to be the moment I find out if she likes me back.

I see her cheeks go red as she glances at me nervously. Then she turned and gave a death glare to Ned.

"Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't, but it's truth or dare. I know the answer so don't lie."

"Fine. But I'm killing you Leeds. I like you, Parker."

I sat in shock as MJ chased Ned down the street. I could vaguely hear Ned crying for help, but I wasn't really paying attention.

MJ liked me! 


Here's another short one! I'll have a longer one next week!

I swear to god if they get get rid of roe vs wade...

I won't go on a rant

Also, please let me know if you have requests!

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