1. Assembly

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To say that Peter was having a bad day was an understatement. He stayed up until 2 am patrolling, only to need to wake up a couple hours later for school. He was so tired that he forgot to eat breakfast. That did nothing to help his increased metabolism. It was only 7:30.

Peter was dreading school. For one, MJ was on vacation with her family, and Ned was out sick with the flu. On top of that, his bully Flash had been getting worse.

"Penis Parker!" Flash yelled across the courtyard of Midtown tech. "Did you hear? Everyone is going to find out what a dirty liar you are!"

Peter simply shrugged, having no idea what he was talking about.

During his 5th period of the day, AP chemistry, an announcement came over the loudspeaker. 'All students report to the auditorium for a special assembly!'.

Everyone begrudgingly went to said place. It was probably just another assembly where a guest would talk about something irrelevant.

When they arrived at the auditorium, it was cleaner than usual. No wrappers on the ground, no mysterious stains on the chairs, etc.

Once everyone was seated, the principal walked out onto the stage.

"Quiet down, Quiet down." The students did as they were told. "We have a special surprise for everyone. Please welcome to the stage Tony Stark!"

The audience started clapping excitedly, except Peter. He was currently banging his head on the seat ahead of him. They were meeting THE Tony Stark, after all.

Tony strutted onto the stage, flashing his award-winning smile. Of course, he also winked at Peter.

"Hello guys, gals, non-binary pals! I assume you all know who I am, even without the introduction from Teach." The student body nodded. "I am here today to do a Q & A with the lovely students of Midtown tech!"

The students once again clapped and raised their hands.

"You in the AC/DC t-shirt."

"What is the Iron-man suit made of? Iron would be too heavy." The girl asked.

"Great question. It is made out of a nickel-titanium alloy. You in the blazer."

Shit. That was Flash. (Peter could practically hear Cap say 'language')

"Do you hire high school interns?" Flash smugly asked

"No, we don't. We only hire people who are in college at the earliest."

"Ha! I knew Penis Parker was lying!" He exclaimed while pointing directly at Peter.

"What did you just call Peter? Also, I didn't catch your name." Mr. Stark said, venom lacing his voice.

"My name is Flash. And I called him Penis!" Flash responded. He clearly didn't notice the warning signs. "Parker said that he had an internship with you, but since you don't hire high school interns, he obviously can't be one."

"Well, I'll have you know that Peter is my personal intern." Flash's jaw dropped and the kids started laughing at him. "And his name is Peter. Can you pronounce it with me? P-E-T-E-R." Tony was currently explaining it like he would to a 3 year old.


"No. This is where you shut up. If you even LOOK at Peter, or anyone for that matter, the wrong way again, you will never get into a college and I will ruin your life. Kapeesh?"

Flash nodded very quickly.


Later that day at the labs...

"You didn't have to do that you know." Peter whispered so quietly that Mr. Stark almost didn't hear him.

"Yes I did Underoos. I just feel bad that you felt you couldn't come to me or May." The billionaire said, guilt dripping in his words.

"I can take the bullying but others couldn't."

"Kid, it's okay to stand up for yourself. Anyways, I don't think he'll be bothering anyone for a while."

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