Part 18: Confrontation Part 1

Start from the beginning

Taking a breather as if to wait for more, they sat down on the grass and began simply talking, by the end of which they discovered that they shared the same father in Perseus but different mothers in Athena and Artemis, hence they were sisters.
They expressed a yearning desire to meet their father at least once if possible. The sisters at once uttered a prayer to him wherever he was hoping that he heard them and would at least speak to them.

Meanwhile, the battle that occurred there again attracted Percy's attention but this time he simply watched the fight not interfering but observed their strengths and weaknesses. Afterwards, he quietly listened in on their conversation discovering that these were indeed his children. He wondered how they came to be when he had never gone near their mothers in a such way at all.
He reached out with his domain of truth, seeing that Selene was made by magic courtesy of Hecate at Artemis request. On the other hand, Nora a former mortal was adopted and blessed by Athena then subsequently blessed by him a week prior, thereby making her their daughter.
While he contemplated why these two goddesses would go this far, he heard their prayers to meet with him. Thus, he would have to sort the former question at a later date with the respective goddesses.
He was skeptical about meeting them face to face because the Ancient laws however, he remembered that the Ancient laws had been abolished years ago hence nothing stopped him from revealing himself to them.

Summoning courage he stepped out into the clearing, walking up behind them, of course, they felt the immense power radiating from him, definitely the man behind them was not human and his aura was similar to their own.
Turning around they found the very man their mothers always told them about in bedtime stories and out, Perseus Achilles Jackson, their father looking at them with an apprehensive look on his face as if he was scared that they would be appalled/repulsed by him. They needed to do something to erase that fear from within him, so they ran into his arms embracing him as tightly as they could, tears of joy in their eyes for having finally met their father and subsequent promises of always being there for them as much as he could.
The next issue Percy had to deal with was introducing them to the rest of the family. He was about to do that when he was intercepted by six persons appearing in front of him. The two new comers at once went in front of them and bowed in respect. Khione being the eldest wife of Perseus was picked as the spokesperson for the trio. She asked them their parentage to which they replied that their father was Perseus Achilles Jackson and their mothers were Athena and Artemis as well as Diana.
They at once knew that Perseus would never willingly be with those two goddesses romantically for any reason whatsoever but they had accepted Artemis's explanation, hence they too like him wanted to know why Athena went that far because according to history she had an undisguised disgust for Poseidon and his offspring except Theseus.

This matter would not be brought before the Olympian council again, no, it would be settled privately away from prying eyes.
Therefore they sent a mind message to Athena to meet them in the clearing to which she promptly complied. Once she appeared there, she saw that they had deep scowls on their faces. From what she saw, their looks read "What kind of game are you playing, explain and you better choose your words carefully, else!".
Not to be intimidated, Athena boldly admitted that she like Artemis loved Percy. He changed her perspective on sons of Poseidon, he was a lot like Theseus but much better.
He protected her daughter Annabeth without thinking twice by willingly jumping into Tartarus after fighting Arcane. He helped Annabeth return her missing statue to Rome thereby restoring her lost respect amongst the Romans. He was the only one who dared to actually tell her that since they were in the modern era, her rivalry with his father was of absolutely no use anymore. To settle it, he even challenged her to a match with the stipulation that if he won her rivalry with his father would end once and for all(this was something she had not told anyone not even her favorite daughter Annabeth Chase.
He won when he exploited a mistake she made, she had charged him in desperation as he carefully danced around her avoid most of her attacks, hoping to run him through but he sidestepped her causing her to stumble into one of the temple pillars disorienting her in the process and causing her sword to careen away from her, before she could recover to attack him again, he had his sword at her neck.
By the rules they put in place for the duel he had won, therefore she had to end her long-standing bitter rivalry with his father.
He had earlier convinced his father to do the same, it was one of his private wishes between himself and his father for him to stay, agreed to after the fiasco with Shayne. From then on according to the terms of the agreement, they would no longer sabotage each other but rather cooperate, any grievances would be settled by the Olympian council.
Initially appalled by the outcome of the battle I.e. a demi-god beating her in combat and setting down the terms for her like she was a little child(even though she grudgingly accepted and respected his accomplishments), that situation irked her so bad, thus she searched for something to use to get back at him and "avenge" the insult but first she had to observe him in order to do so. That was when she happened on him reading in his Cabin something sons of Poseidon rarely did. Curious, she assumed her daughter's form to allow her get into Camp Olympus unrestricted. Using the mist, she convinced anyone who saw her that she came to retrieve architectural drawings needed to redesign the Olympian throne room. When nobody was paying attention, she teleported into Percy's Cabin where she found him reading Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and the rest was history viz-a-viz:
He became her reading/discussion partner.
He became her sparring partner. At a time, they even defeated her bane Enceladus together.
As a bonus, they had dinner with each other just to show how far they had come as friends and never once did he go farther than that, he was always a gentleman. He had completely solidified the concept of a good man. Furthermore, seeing that her daughter chose to remain just his friend, she took the opportunity and they(at her request)shared their first kiss under the fireworks lit night sky in New Rome and their second after he defeated Gaea. Though after that he quick to restrain himself for fear of what Zeus might do if he knew. She respected his decision even though it painted her, hoping for the day when he would have no fear about that.
That was what happened before he disappeared, it led to her partaking in Dionysus domain. In other words, she realized that she had fallen in love with him far more than she loved Annabeth's father, Fredrick Chase. At that revelation they were too shocked to ask her any more questions. Finally, she repeated what she told Artemis and Diana, that she did not want to scatter his family but be part of it, which they accepted having heard her own explanation. Little did they know that there one more on the way.

Meanwhile, Chloe, Maxwell and Nadine Jackson wanted to test their new siblings in line with their promise but Percy stopped them by showing them the girls earlier intense encounter with the monsters, saying that was enough for him and it should be for them as well. Afterwards, they rejoined the ladies who settled their quarry and welcomed Athena as one of them alongside Artemis and Diana.
Artemis and Diana on their own part confessed that their first kiss with Percy was after the ordeal with Atlas, away from the eyes of the Hunters, their second one was during one of their solo hunts at Camp Olympus, but it also ended there for the time being again at Percy's instance so as not to cause any problems with the Hunt.
Note: she knew about him and Athena(as she took to watching him to ensure his safety first, then satisfy the yearning his constant absence created) but she did not care.
Percy was happy that he no longer had to hide what he had with these two goddesses from his immediate family. Things would probably go on smoothly without any issues from here on out....

The End?, Or is it?

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