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In which Changbin is nothing to Jeongin, nothing but an imaginary friend.

Word Count: 3502 | 30 minute read


When he opened his eyes, light filled his vision. Light was something unusual to him. He hadn't seen it in so long. In fact, he couldn't count the time since. Had it been days? Months? Years?

Hell, he didn't know anymore. He'd been trapped in the darkness for so long that he didn't know if time had even passed at all. Maybe it had only been dark for several minutes. Or perhaps it had been seconds.

What even was his name? Where is he?

No. Rather, why was it so light here?


The chipper voice hurt his ears and out of reflex he cowered away, flinging his hands over his ears and shutting his eyes again. He calmed with the darkness prickling back over his vision, blocking the light again. He took in deep breaths and then thought more. When was the last time he had tasted air so crisp and cold? Has he ever breathed in during his time in the darkness?

"Excuse me? Mister?"

His lower lips quivered out of nervousness and he felt suddenly scared and his heart clenched with fear. The moment a small hand came into contact with his back, he tensed up and his eyes burst open, desperate to see what threat he had to run away from. He didn't know where he'd go but anywhere would do.

However as he turned to look over, he saw a small boy, maybe around four or five years younger than himself. He himself was... about eleven, at least he thinks that's his age. He doesn't remember celebrating his birthday past the age of eleven so clearly he must be that age.

"Wah, you look terrified!" The small kid gasped, leaning close to him and inspecting his face. "Why are you so scared, mister?"

He parted his lips to respond to the small kid, but stopped before a word could pass through. He didn't know how to respond. All he knew was he was scared but he felt nor knew no reason as to why.

"I... I don't know..." He whispered and he reached for his throat, feeling along his neck at the sound of his hoarse voice. When was the last time he drank water?

The kid smiled at him and then sat down facing him, legs apart in a v-shape with his hands on the grassy ground between. He looked at him, scanning over his fluffy black hair and gleaming wide eyes, suddenly curious about them. No longer fearful. After all, what could a kid almost half of his age possibly do to hurt him?

Exactly. Nothing. A child so adorable and squishy-looking wouldn't have in them to harm a fly, let alone another person.

"Okay... What's your name?"

He blanked. What was his name? He didn't even know and his eyes began to well up with tears.

"I-I don't know..."

The boy's simple minded, eased expression curved sharply to concern and he shuffled closer to him. He spread out his arms and cuddled him close, rubbing his back. The warmth of the boy made him keen in and instinctively wrap his arms around him too, embracing tightly. It was then that he knew he never wanted to let go and that this boy he wanted to stay with despite knowing next to nothing about him. There was something inside him that told him that he needed this kid and needed to stay with him. No matter what.

"Mister... It's alright, don't cry." The boy said, patting his back with a gentleness unknown to him. Or perhaps he had known it once before but he couldn't remember it anymore. Honestly, heaven knows at this point.

𝖡𝗈𝗒𝗌 𝖶𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖡𝖾 𝖡𝗎𝗀𝗌 ░ 𝗦𝗞𝗭 𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗦Where stories live. Discover now