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+🧸 Littlespace

In which Jeongin only slips into his little headspace during the night with his boyfriend Changbin to take care of him.

Word Count: 1660 | 13 minute read

✎ this ones a bit crappy ngl


It was around one o'clock in the morning and Changbin was waiting in his bed, utterly ecstatic. He was waiting for the youngest member, Jeongin, to come and quietly knock out their newly made secret code on his bedroom door.

Now. Why on earth would something like this make Changbin, a grown man who probably shouldn't be getting high off of adrenaline from staying up past his bedtime set by none other than Chan, so excited to the point he as actually squirming around under his covers, unable to keep still? One could argue that it was because Jeongin was his precious boyfriend and that their relationship was still young so he must just have those rampant butterflies every blossomimg couple gets at the mere idea of doing absolutely anything with their lover. In a way, it's not entirely wrong. While Changbin was definitely still in his butterfly phase when it came to Jeongin, he was also eagar to play with little Jeongin again.

His young boyfriend had a headspace that was recognized as "little space" which ment that whenever he was stressed up to his breaking point, felt extremely safe or just needed some relief from the big daunting world of adulthood, he would slip and become a little. Changbin had only met little Jeongin once before and he adored the time they had spent together getting to know each other all over again. He's never known any other littles before but he was utterly in love with both sides of his boyfriend, though, naturally, he still had a few questions about it that were more about their relationship and how their dynamic should differ depending on Jeongin's headspace. For example, should Changbin treat little Jeongin more as his favourite kid that he babysits or more treat him just as his lover but avoid acting upon more adult actions? Though, that wouldn't be too difficult since they haven't done any adult-y things before. Jeongin was too shy about it and honestly so was Changbin.

While his mind was buzzing around with thoughts of interest, intrigue and worries, it soon was all quite quickly cleared away as a soft knocking was heard on his bedroom door. His ears perked up at the sound, making out the code. Three quick taps, shortly followed by one, two, three, four, five clear singular and consecutive knocks.

Changbin hurriedly threw off his covers, sliding his feet into his slippers and quietly heading over to the door. He hoped that both Chan and Jisung wouldn't hear him or even worse wake up. The two were cuddled cosily on Chan's bed, the younger of the two having crept in before midnight after having a nightmare and Chan being the fatherly guy he was had ushered him into his bed to comfort him to sleep. Though, anyone could probably tell it wasn't just motherly or fatherly-like instincts when it came to Jisung in particular. There was certainly some underlying feelings there which Changbin could pick up on and if they were real, then he'd feel terrible for the leader since Jisung already has admitted to liking Minho on many occasions. Then again, they aren't official so maybe there was some hope for the Aussie. Changbin's cheering at the side lines in hopes that the older gets the guy he wants, after all he really does deserve someone to share all that love he has inside him.

Carefully, Changbin cracked open the door, smiling wide once he saw Jeongin who was grinning back impossibly wider with that beautiful bright love contained in his pretty fox eyes. He opened the door further and slipped out of the room, closing the door shut behind him as quietly as he could. Once it was done, he looked back at Jeongin and again they smiled at one another, holding back shared giggles at the thrill of doing something they knew well that they shouldn't.

𝖡𝗈𝗒𝗌 𝖶𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖡𝖾 𝖡𝗎𝗀𝗌 ░ 𝗦𝗞𝗭 𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗦Where stories live. Discover now