"did Keira cut you?" I ask, looking down at her hand, now covered in the deep crimson color.

"yep" Ollie winces,

"oh my god—im so sorry Ollie—" my heart crumbles with guilt.

"don't be, it was very satisfying—she thought she was so sly cutting my hand behind my back, I didn't even flinch, even though it hurts like hell"

"you really pepper sprayed her eyes?" Ranboo asks,

"mhm! I guess we know it works" Ollie shrugged, "this cut isn't too deep, I might need stitches, but I can do them myself"

"Iris is going to be pissed" Ranboo worries,

"I didn't spray her until she threatened me, so it was self-defense, we basically got jumped" Ollie explained,

"but she said she was gonna call the cops on you!"

"if she does, I'll explain the true story" Ollie shrugged, "self-defense"

"How'd you know what Ollie was going to do?" I ask Ranboo, "you were gonna pull Keira off of her, but stopped"

"she tapped 'wait' in morse code on the wall" he answered.

"you guys can read morse code?" I ask,

"Ollie taught me for lore purposes"

"I can teach you" Ollie mentions, "it's pretty easy"

"Ollie you are such a badass" I admit, "im really sorry about Keira"

"Keira's a mythic b*tch, you're not" Ollie reminds,

"but she was mad about me, I caused this..."

"don't say that, Keira's just trying to get to you" Ranboo mutters, obviously still mad.

I felt happy that I had ridden Keira from my life, but I still had an over looming twinge of guilt, I had caused this.

"you're shaking" Ranboo notices my hand refusing to stay still.

"uh—yeah I guess I am" I stammer.

"Ollie you can go on and find Tommy and Tubbo" he mutters, "please don't get jumped again"

"alrighty" she understands, walking on as Ranboo brings us to the side of the walkway.

"breathe" he says slowly,

"i—I did this to Ollie—"

"no you didn't" he shook his head, "it wasn't your fault"

"but Keira was m-my friend—"

"respectfully, stop talking—and just breathe for a minute, ok?"

"o-ok" I stutter, gulping down a couple deep breathes.

"you're ok, Ollie's—mostly ok, Im ok—we're all ok, that's what matters right?" he assures, and I nod stubbornly.

"we're going to go home, Iris will try her best to help Ollie's cut, we'll figure the Keira thing out, and everything will turn out just fine"

"o-ok" I breathe out, some of my shakiness going away.

"you alright?"

"yeah I think so" I blink a couple times, gathering myself.

"chin up" he brings a finger to my jaw before smiling, "your crown's falling."


Ranboo and I find Ollie just as she's approaching the boys,

"Tommyinnit! Can I get a picture? im a huge fan!"

𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐀 , 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now