"I am, why?" Bella announces from upstairs. She comes running downstairs. Before her eyes, there she was; her best friend, her twin sister, the person she has shared everything with. "Rory?!"

Sky shouts, "Everyone, come down here please!"

The unending sound of footsteps tracing through the manor. Kids coming from the kitchen, den, upstairs, downstairs, library, and outside. They all stop in their tracks when they see her standing there.

"Aurora!" Eli exclaims

"Rory," Lycissa runs to her

Thomas looks from outside, "No way! Ror!"

"Oh my Merlin! Aurora Jayne!" Servius yells

All the kids run from every direction, piling onto Aurora, squeezing her with hugs. She could feel the love from everyone around her. Sky holds onto Draco, watching all the kids clutch on their sister. A tear slides down her flushed cheeks, Draco glancing down at her, pulling her closer into his arms.

"She's home," He whispers into her ear, placing a simple but meaningful kiss on her earlobe.

Burying her head into his side, "yes she is. I can't believe we have her back finally."

After everyone lets go of Aurora she laughs, "You guys look like you've seen a ghost, as pale as you look."

Avander rolls his eyes at her, "Not funny. We seriously missed you. Bella has been a wreck without you. So have I."

She gives him another hug, one that is a thank you for watching her sister while she was gone. "So, does everyone know about you two now?"

"They do. It had to come out, we just wish you would've been here when we told everyone. But we really did miss you and I'm glad you're okay."

Rory looks at them and her eyes lower, "I didn't even know I was fine. I was told my name was Hailey and Potter was my boyfriend. Oh Merlin's I hope I didn't sleep with him. That would ruin me completely."

"Baby, no matter what, you had no idea what  was going on. We are just so glad to have you home and you're safe again. We will take you to Madam Pomfrey to get checked out if it would make you feel better," Sky tells her when she's quickly interrupted by Crabbe.

Crabbe hugs her, pulling away slowly, "I'm glad you're home Rory. It's great to have your smiling face here again."

She smiles letting him know that it's nice to be back home. Her eyes scan the room, multiple times. "Where's Oliver?"

"Oliver who?" Sky questions her daughter with a look of confusion on her face. Who was she talking about? Was there someone that they didn't know about in her life?

"Wood. He's in classes with me," pausing and realizing the words that are about to escape her mouth may be dangerous knowing her family's history with this house. "He's, well. He's on the Gryffindor Quidditch team."

Eli smiles, "I'll go get him." Eli apparates out of the house and within a few minutes he returns.

An average height, medium brown hair boy is standing next to Eli. Their eyes meet, "Rory baby?!"

Aurora takes off running, jumping into his arms. Not caring that her whole family was standing around them watching her, "Ollie!"

"How long have they been together?"

Bella leans towards Sky, whispering into her ear, "Six months before she was kidnapped. She didn't tell anyone since he is a Gryffindor." Both of them glaring at Aurora, "She didn't want to disappoint the family and was scared what dad would say. I tried telling her, but you know how she is."

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