He couldn't but look over at Shirabu every now and then.

"Suprised you two didn't end up text last night." Tendou said sneaking up behind Semi smirking.

"I'm not losing. But I mean...I don't know. It's so weird."

"You wanna go hug him and kiss him and all the cringy shit right."

"It's not cringy. But we've been together for so long, it'll be a year in a month."


Semi nodded looking over at Shirabu, who was clearly listening in, but looked away like he wasn't.

"SHOUKDNT that count as losing."

"He did it first." Shirabu muttered rubbing him temples.

"You two are helpless." Kawanishi commented.

He ignored Kawanishi and couldn't stop thinking about Semi.

It has been almost a year. Shirabu knew exactly what he was gonna give Semi. 

He wanted to tease Semi by saying some stupid like he forgot, but of course he wasn't gonna lose. It's not like Semi was really the only thing that kept him entertained.

"Damnit Eita why are you stubborn." He muttered to himself.


At lunch, instead of sitting next to each other they sat as far away as they could, which wasn't even that much. Neither contributed much to the conversation everyone else was having. Shirbau would listen in when he heard his name, but when it was nothing important he'd go back to banging his head on the table and stealing glances at Semi.

It was seriously driving him insane.

He was so used to walking and holding hands with him that he felt absolutely terrible walking past him like nothing. It really wasn't nothing.

The amount of times today they crossed paths and Shirabu reached his hand out for Semi only to quickly pull it back was almost embarrassing.

"I don't lose." He muttered to himself, but of course Semi heard.

Sure, Semi can't interact with him, and it he felt so wrong for not talking to him, but he could sure as hell look and listen to him.

And if he couldn't do anything with Shirabu, he would definitely look and listen to him, even if he wanted to do so much more.

Even if he wanted to shower him with kisses and compliments, and touch him in every appropriate way possible.

Semi sighed before standing up and leaving without saying anything not particularly going anywhere.

He pulled out his phone and pressed the power button, seeing Shirabu of course. It was a picture of Shirabu that he hadn't expected, and he had been talking about his brothers. Semi remembers thinking he looked so gorgeous in that moment that he took a picture.

Of course that wasn't the only picture he had. Semi had plenty pictures of Shirabu.

At least over 300.

Maybe even over 500.

Semi kept every single picture of Shirabu he could take or find.

Every video too.

He looked at them and smiled, especially at the ones where they were together.

Semi and Shirabu.


"So. Semi and Shirabu aren't here."

"Guarantee you theyre somewhere doing couple shit."

"I agree!" Goshiki added jumping up and down, everyone else agreeing as well because, it's Semi and Shirabu.

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