15. Weapons Don't Weep

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Jacob shut the door and slowly turned to Raephier who was busy picking at a piece of loose thread on the blanket that was across his knee.

"Are you alright?" Jacob said, sitting on the edge of the bed next to Raephier.

It never even occurred to him that Sally might have been the one most at risk. For some reason, Jacob felt very protective towards Raephier.

"Yes," Raephier said, and Jacob was relieved to see that his accompanying smile looked genuine.

"She didn't ask you any questions that you couldn't answer, did she?"

Raephier frowned in a way that suggested he didn't understand the question.

"Let me phrase it another way," Jacob said quickly. "Was she suspicious at all about your true nature?"

Raephier looked torn, like he didn't know what to say. When Jacob saw him start to show signs of anxiety, he didn't think twice before reaching over and laying his hand on top of Raephier's.

"Don't worry, I won't be angry if you struggled to answer her questions. I'd just rather know what you told her."

Raephier opened and closed his mouth a few times like he was starting to say something but then stopped himself. Eventually, he sighed and mumbled quietly,

"She knows I'm a Siren."

"What! You told her?!" Jacob said, standing up in alarm.

"N-No, it's not like that!" Raephier said looking upset.

Jacob quickly realised his mistake and sat back on the bed next to Raephier.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that," he said. "I just worry that if people know they might do something to cause you harm. It's ok if you told her."

"B-But I didn't tell her," Raephier said desperately. "She already knew."

Jacob had to fight his instinct to jump up in alarm again.

"She already knew?" he repeated as calmly as he could, but he could feel his heart pounding in his chest.

"Yes," Raephier said, finally getting the courage to look up at Jacob. "Are you angry?"

Jacob's heart nearly broke at seeing Raephier's pleading blue eyes. He wasn't actually sure if it would ever be possible to be angry at Raephier. Especially when he looked at him like that.

"Of course not," he said, reaching up and pushing a strand of hair away from Raephier's eyes.

The moment Jacob's fingers caressed his skin, Raephier leaned into touch just enough to make Jacob lift his other hand and take hold of Raephier's face, gently but firmly.

A blush spread across Raephier's cheeks, making Jacob smile.

"Look at me Raephier," Jacob said.

Raephier slowly lifted his gaze and let out a small intake of air when their eyes met.

Jacob could see every little mark and freckle on Raephier's face this close. He had a weird urge to rub their noses together.

But it was Raephier's eyes that finally claimed all of Jacob's attention. He'd never seen anything so blue before. Except maybe the summer sky. Pure blue. Nothing else.

A quiet giggle snapped Jacob out of his trance.

"What are you laughing at?" Jacob said in amusement.

"You're staring," Raephier replied.

Jacob immediately pulled back in embarrassment.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

The Song of the SeaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora