She smiled at him, the joy dancing in her eyes. "Yes."

"Yes?" He asked, almost shocked.

"Yes, I'll marry you." She was grinning now as he put the ring on her finger and stood up. She met him with a passionate kiss, communicating the love they felt for one another. Their lips were locked with a bruising force, Meredith's fingers running through his hair while his arms kept her close. It was perfect, he couldn't imagine anywhere else he'd rather be.


When they eventually pulled back, Derek's piercing eyes locked eyes with hers. Her heart was in overdrive at the kiss and the sentimental speech she had just been given.

"I also wanted to ask you something else," he whispered.

"What is it?"

"When we get married, if you'll let me, I want to adopt Aiden. Legally. So I can be his real dad."

Grinning at him, she replied, "I would love if you did that. He can be a real Shepherd, the next generation."

He chuckled softly and kissed her again. "God, I love you. I love you more than anything."

"I love you too. So much," she whispered against his lips.

They stayed in that comforting embrace a while longer, letting the impact of their engagement sink in. They were getting married!


Derek had been quiet about the house on the hill since the paperwork had (eventually) come through last January. He knew he could plan the main floor space and the foundations were already being dug for the water mains and electrics. But it was the main layout he was struggling with. He would tell Meredith today, ask her opinion on everything, he wanted her to be involved, and because she wanted a winter wedding (she thought they were underrated), he hoped that they would be able to move into the house only a few months after they were married. Married. He still couldn't believe it; it had been a day and he was still finding it hard to believe that she had said yes. It was like a dream. They wanted to wait to tell Aiden and the family. Derek had something special planned to do so, he'd love it.

But now, as he laid all the plans on the table, he was hoping Meredith wouldn't mind that he'd already drawn plans up. He just wanted to know if she had any ideas.

"Hey Der. What are all these drawings for?"

"You know that land I bought? When I first got here?"

"Yeah, but whenever I asked you said that the plans hadn't come through."

"Well, they hadn't. Until January. And some of the builders have started laying foundations for it already. I want it to be ready for when we move in as newlyweds," he smiled.

"Aren't you meant to keep the wedding gift a secret?" she smirked.

He grinned. "Maybe. But I thought you'd want to know rather than wondering why I hadn't got you anything when I don't give you a wrapped box."

"I guess that's fair enough," she said playfully. "Are these the plans then?"

"Yeah. I want you to help. This is our house; we both need to contribute to it. And maybe Aiden if he doesn't give outrageous suggestions," he laughed.

She looked carefully over the plans, tracing her fingers over the room he'd allocated as their bedroom. Then she spoke.

"My only request is that there's a bathtub that covers my boobs and my knees."

"Seriously?" he chuckled.

"Yeah," she giggled, "it's no good otherwise."

"Alright. I'll tell the builders. Well, the plumbers."

In my bonesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя