2. Facing The Monster

Start from the beginning

Ethan was ten yards in front of him, still shouting to go faster.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his ankle and his whole leg, like a bolt of lightning. Next thing he knew, he was lying on the floor, holding his knee. His feet had fallen in a small hole between some roots, and now it hurt like hell.

Another shriek reached his ears. Another alarm rang inside his head. Y/N stood up and began to hobble straight to the big tree, his ankle causing him a throbbing pain slowing him.

Only twenty yards before the tree.

Another shriek, this time accompanied by the sound of the beast leaping from the ground.

Only fifteen yards.

Ethan was just next to the tree, looking above Y/N's shoulder. "DROP!" he shouted.

But Y/N didn't hear. Something grabbed him and threw him into the air. Everything went upside down, rolled, and flipped. After what seemed an infinite time, he landed heavily on the ground strewn by pine needles. He was too confused to understand what was going on. He hadn't even seen the blow coming.  His head was an anvil way too heavy to be held by his neck. He rolled on his back, trying to catch his breath.

The giant two-headed snake was raised above him, its fangs dripping and its eyes glistening with hunger. And bloody hell, there were still two heads.

Y/N's brain turned off, and his instinct took the reins. "AAAAAAHHH!"

He rolled onto his side at the exact moment one of the serpent's heads hit the ground where he had been. He got up on his knees, crawling toward the big tree, but the snake beat him in the stomach and sent him flying further before he could do anything, getting between him and the way out.

Y/N landed, hitting another tree, and fell in front of the monster. What could he do? Was he doomed to die there without understanding the slightest bit of what was going on? Was he supposed to just... give up? No, that he wouldn't. Why? He didn't know himself, yet he knew he wouldn't. He couldn't. So he rushed desperately toward the snake, seizing it. What am I doing? Good question since Y/N wasn't the hero of a myth. His name wasn't Heracles, and defeating monsters with only his big muscles wasn't within his capabilities.

The monster shook himself and threw Y/N against the tree again. It leaped up, its two mouths gaping in front of Y/N. He vaguely heard Ethan scream, but it was only detail with these fangs charging at him.

The rope of survival instinct broke. Y/N's legs let go, and he fell on the ground like a useless log.

That certainly spared him a little longer. The serpent missed him and smashed its two heads onto the wood. One got its fangs stuck inside the wood, the other was totally disoriented.

Y/N recovered quickly and stood up as best as he could, limping again to the big tree. It was now or never.

"Ethan?" he called. He walked toward the tree, but his friend was nowhere to be seen. There wasn't any answer. "Ethan!" Still nothing. All of this must be a nightmare. It must. He was now around ten yards from the tree. Where is he? He hasn't just—left me there, has he?

A big shriek again. Y/N turned around and threw himself back to dodge the attack, but his leg slowed him. One of the snake's fangs ripped through his jeans and flesh.

The pain was unbearable, too awful. It was like a million knives slicing his leg. Or hot molten lead flowing on it. Compared to the time Y/N had burned himself on the refectory's hotplate, that was a million times more painful. It was the deluxe edition of leg cut. And that wasn't funny at all.

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