We reach San Diego in about an hour. It's around two in the afternoon as we head out of the airport. A wave of nostalgia washes through my body as I take in the surroundings, sitting in the taxi going back to my home. I remember when I was here last time. It was a couple of months after I moved to LA. I realize now how distant I have grown from my family as old memories surf back in my mind. I was so close to them, yet I never made any efforts to reach them in the last few months.

I stare at the door of my house nervously when we finally reach there. It still looks the same as I left, and I feel a sense of happiness knowing that nothing has changed much. I don't know why I am having this feeling. I was away for just a few months, yet it feels like I haven't been here in ages. I don't realize how long I have been staring at the door until I feel Christopher's hand on my shoulder. I look at him as he gives me a slight nod, and then I turn back to ring the bell.

I tap my foot impatiently as I wait for the door to open. "Holy shit!" Charlotte screams as soon as she opens the door and sees me. "What a freaking surprise, Nikki? I didn't know you were..." She stops abruptly as her eyes fall on Christopher standing behind me and again she squeaks. "Oh, my god! I can't believe this. Is that your boyfriend?" she asks being all hysteric and I nod.

She pulls me into an unexpected hug and whispers in my ear. "He is freaking hot!" I try to hide my blush when she pulls back and grins at me. Looking at her bright smile makes me realize how much I missed my baby sister.

"Who is it, Charlotte?" I hear my mom ask from in.

"Mom, Francis, get here right now." Charlotte turns and calls them from inside. "Nikki is here..." She then looks at me and wriggles her eyebrows playfully at Christopher. "And she is not alone." She adds excitedly. I turn towards Christopher and give him an apologetic look, silently begging him to bear with my crazy sister. He says nothing but smiles.

"Oh goodness! Nicole, I am so happy to see you." I turn around and see my mother standing in front now. She looks just as beautiful as Charlotte. It feels like I am seeing her after a really long time. She has her long brown hair up in a ponytail and I wonder, looking at her, how she manages to look so good. She gently hugs me and says. "This truly is a great surprise. I thought you weren't going to show up this year." I feel a knot build in my chest when her voice cracks up.

"I am glad to be back," I say when she pulls back and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand.

"And who is this handsome young boy?" She asks when she looks at Christopher.

I clear my throat and introduce him. "That's Christopher..."

Christopher steps forward and extends his hand. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Johnson."

My mother shakes his hand and then smiles. "You are such a gentleman." She then looks back at both of us and says walking in. "I am so glad to have you both here. Come in."

Before we can go in, another voice interrupts us. It's Francis's. "Wait! Who is this and what is he doing with my sister?" He crosses his arms and stands in front of Christopher. I let out a frustrated sigh and narrow my eyes at him, but he doesn't look at me. Francis has always been a total drama queen, and I know it becomes frustrating to deal with him sometimes. I look back at Christopher again with pleading eyes. He still looks pretty cool with everything. I just hope he doesn't think I have a bunch of crazies in my family.

"That's Nikki's boyfriend." Charlotte rolls her eyes and states standing next to him.

"What? Nikki's boyfriend? He asks in disbelief and looks at me. "You are not allowed to have a boyfriend without my permission."

"Being tall doesn't make you an elder brother here, Francis," Charlotte says in a bored tone and we laugh.

"Younger or elder, doesn't matter." He scoffs and replies. "Brothers are always there to protect their sisters from falling for bad boys."

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