24: Love And Devotion

Start from the beginning

Jennie was silent for a long moment. "Yeah, we will," she finally said. Lisa felt her shift down beside her and place a kiss onto her lips. "We're getting married, Lisa."

"Now you're the one who sounds surprised," Lisa murmured against her as she buried herself further into Jennie's side. "Remember when I proposed to you, and you said yes?"

"Wait, I thought I was the one who proposed to you?"

Lisa opened one eye and found Jennie smirking at her in a beautiful yet infuriating way. She leaned over and kissed her again, Jennie's lips flowing and parting against hers. "The key point is that we both said yes," Lisa said.

"Yeah, we did," Jennie grinned against her lips, pulling her in deeper.

Lisa kissed her languidly before placing her head against Jennie's chest. She really was tired. "We should sleep. It'll be a long day tomorrow."

"And an even longer night," Jennie said so casually that Lisa almost didn't register her meaning. She was beginning to drift off when Jennie spoke again, hesitantly. "Are you sure about Dany?"

Lisa could only murmur against her chest. "We can't have a cow as a flower girl, Jennie."

"But I've already tested it. She can walk in a straight line and lets me put a flower crown on her."

"Cow poop. At our wedding," Lisa mumbled.

"We're already outside," Jennie countered. "It'll be easy to clean up. And we wouldn't be together without her. She should be in our wedding."

Lisa opened her eyes to see Jennie watching her intently. Her hair was splayed out on the pillow, catching the moonlight. "Do you really want Daenerys in our wedding?"

Jennie looked away. "I may have asked the florist to make a flower crown for her already. But I can cancel it, if you really don't think Dany should be there."

In the end, Lisa really just wanted Jennie to be happy. And if she was being completely honest with herself, Daenerys was special to her too. She snuggled back up to Jennie's chest. "You don't have to cancel it."

"Really?" Jennie asked excitedly into her hair. "Because Jaehyun offered to be on poo duty, and I figure if we put some hay somewhere past the stage, Dany should walk up the aisle no problem, and—"

"Shhhh." Lisa leaned up and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "I trust that you've planned it all thoroughly. I just want to marry you, Jen. Cow or no cow."

"We're getting married..." Jennie said again, almost in awe.

When Lisa felt Jennie's lips kissing the top of her head, she wondered what it would be like to be kissed by Jennie when she was her wife, and how it could possibly be any sweeter than this.


It wasn't raining on the 23rd. Although some angry clouds passed that morning while the stage was set up and the chairs arranged, they disappeared and left behind only a brilliant blue sky with the occasional roaming cloud for shade. Despite her strong words last night, Lisa was relieved, if only because she knew Jennie would be overjoyed to not need the tent (or the barn) after all.

Lisa was grateful for all the commotion that afternoon. She wasn't nervous to marry Jennie—far from it—she just wanted the day to progress smoothly. She wanted it to be beautiful. She wanted to look back on this day and reminisce about all of the rituals and handshakes and hugs and their first dance as a married couple and know that this day, this strange and hectic day, was the formal beginning of their life together.

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