19: Welcome To Seattle

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While the waiting and the crowds were uncomfortable, Lisa found that she actually quite enjoyed flying. She had flown only twice before in her life, and it was still exhilarating how the plane accelerated fast enough to pin her to the back of her seat and made her stomach flutter when they lifted off the ground. She stared out the window for hours, watching river-carved lowlands and snow-capped peaks passing by below her. But as she crossed onto the other side of the mountains, low gray clouds prohibited her sightseeing. They descended into Seattle in a dense fog of cloud and rain.

Her first impression of the airport was that it was huge. It took her two maps, one TSA officer, and an extended phone call with Jennie to find where Jennie was waiting for her. But when Lisa finally found herself walking out of the correct security exit, she was greeted by the brightest smile she had ever seen.

"You made it," Jennie said, opening her arms wide and wrapping them around Lisa's shoulders.

Lisa settled into her arms, resting her head in the crook of Jennie's neck like she loved doing. She ran her hands up and down Jennie's back to relearn the shape of her. It may have only been a few months since she had last been able to do this, but it had been far too long. "You say it like you're surprised."

"Just happy." Jennie pulled back only to rest her hand along Lisa's cheek and pull her in for a kiss. She hummed against Lisa's mouth. "There's going to be much more of that later."

"I hope so," Lisa said against her lips. But she glanced around them hurriedly. "Your mom isn't here, is she?"

Jennie just laughed and tightened her arms around Lisa's shoulders. "No, silly. I would have the good sense to introduce you two before making out with you in the airport." She took Lisa's hand, as Lisa slung her bag over her shoulder again. "She's just getting off work now at the hospital. How does meeting her for dinner sound?"

Lisa couldn't help her sudden exhalation of breath. "Perfect."

Jennie squeezed her hand, looking at her with calm eyes. "She's going to love you, Lisa. Well, maybe not at first."

Lisa shot her a (maybe somewhat panicked) look.

"I'm kidding," Jennie said with a laugh. "She might take a few minutes to come out of authoritarian doctor mode after her shift, but after that she'll be chill. I've already told her all about you, and she's very interested in the whole ranch thing. But when in doubt, just ask her about the hospital she works at. She can vent about her co-workers and patients for days."

"I can do that," Lisa said, feeling a little calmer as they passed through the crowds toward the exit.

"And after that, we're going to meet up with Jisoo and Chaeyoung for some drinks." Jennie led Lisa out of the airport to the taxi line up. She pulled Lisa closer by her belt loops, and Lisa went willingly. "After that," Jennie said with her feline eyes full of suggestion, "I'm all yours."

But then their driver was taking Lisa's bag and placing it in the trunk of the taxi (Lisa's first taxi—she tried to pretend it wasn't weird to have a complete stranger drive her somewhere). They climbed into the backseat, Jennie sitting in the middle to be close to her. Lisa didn't mind at all.

As they left the airport behind, rain pattering against the window, everything so unfamiliar, Lisa found comfort in Jennie leaning into her side: Jennie's wandering touch, the tickle of her hair against Lisa's neck, her heady scent.

"I'm glad you invited me here, Jen," she whispered into Jennie's hair, as her hand found Jennie's and squeezed it gently.

"Let's see if you feel the same way after meeting my family," Jennie teased. But as she exchanged a long look with Lisa, she said, "I'm glad you came, Lis. For me."

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