Anakin's eyes grew wide as he looked down at Ahsoka, "Uh, she's nice. I mean she, or - I guess you," he turned back to address Kyah, "um... you," he struggled for the right words, then any words, before sighing heavily, "You look nice." He managed to get out finally, then cleared his throat again as his cheeks heated up.

"Just nice?" Ahsoka said in feigned offence, but Kyah smacked her shoulder before she could continue bugging poor Anakin.

"Behave." She narrowed her eyes at the young girl.

"Would you ladies mind giving me a moment to speak with Obi Wan and Mater Skywalker alone?" Satine asked suddenly as her expression seemed to sober and the mood in the room shifted.

"Of course." Kyah nodded and the two of them headed into the dining hall.

Satine waited for the doors to close behind the girls, then turned to face the Jedi Masters with her arms crossed and an angered look on her face.

"Are we in trouble?" Anakin asked nervously as he looked over at Obi Wan who appeared equally frightened.

"You most certainly are." Satine said in a low voice, "Why, pray tell, would you bring a Jedi here who is still severely injured? Her wounds are hardly three days old, yet you task her with a highly sensitive, undercover operation?" Satine crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently.

"Ah, yes." Obi Wan nodded, understanding her anger.

"It's that bad?" Anakin asked with worry creasing his brow, as he shuffled his weight and crossed his arms.

Satine's composure softened, "You didn't know?" She asked and looked between the two of them.

"We knew that she was still recovering from her last mission, but she's not exactly forthcoming." Obi Wan shrugged.

"She just keeps saying that she's fine." Anakin looked down at the ground and shook his head.

"Well, she in most certainly not fine." Satine insisted, "Her ribs are swollen and agitated from all of this moving around, and I'm afraid if she has to participate in any sort of battle, she'll tear the stitches on her shoulder."

"I had no idea her condition was so severe." Obi Wan stroked his beard.

"I think it would be best if Kyah was retired from this mission." Anakin suggested, "She never should have come in the first place." He tightened his fists.

"I have to disagree." Obi Wan shook his head, "Without her inside the meeting tomorrow, there will be no protection for Senator Organa, or you Duchess." He reminded them. "Even injured, General Paladin will fight to protect you both, and we need to take every precaution. There's no telling what The Count has planned."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Anakin said grumpily, "If she ends up in a fight against Dooku, with no backup, and in her condition, she won't stand a chance."

"I'm not an idiot." A female voice came from behind Anakin. The three of them spun around and faced Kyah, standing in the doorway of the Dining Hall. "If Dooku reveals some sort of nefarious plot, then I'll distract him and buy enough time for you two to join us." She looked back and forth between the two men. "Even at my best, I doubt I could defeat Count Dooku one on one." She admitted, "So, if everyone could stop questioning my ability to do my job, that would be great." She said curtly and looked between them challengingly.

"My apologies Master Paladin." Obi Wan bowed his head and Kyah sighed.

"The Prime Minister has asked that you join us, so that the dinner can be served." Kyah said then abruptly spun around and walked back inside.

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