46: He was never mine

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"When it's gone, you'll know what a gift love was. You'll suffer like this. So go back and fight to keep it."
Ian McEwan~

Quynn POV

A few days ago I would have been happier with the news of the finding of my bag because that meant I could get my phone and most likely get in touch with Anna, but I have called the number given to me by the stranger earlier and it there was no answer.

If all was okay with Anna why didn't she come for the switch? Why isn't she here planning her own wedding? Is she even looking forward to her wedding? If yes, why is she MIA on this very important week?

Questions that can't be answered run through my head and I shake them out to retain composure and I make downstairs to meet Eli after I heard the sound of his car in the driveway. The front door opens and he steps into the parlour he's wearing a grey long sleeve and black trousers and he doesn't bother to try and tuck it in anymore. He's holding onto the purse which was snatched from my hand many days ago.

He gets to me and pulled me into a warm hug and I feel his lips on my hair.

"I'm guessing Rosalina already told you then?" his brow rose as he pulled away to look at me.

I nod and he sighs, "The attacker is still on the run, but in time, he'll get caught I can promise you that. But for now, your purse is safe and your phone is in it."

I silently nod again and he leans in to kiss my forehead. "Thank you, Eli, for everything."

"It's nothing, I know that I am not supposed to see the bride the day before the wedding day or bad thing will happen, so I'm gonna leave you now. Get enough rest, tomorrow is going to be a long day."

I lean in and kiss his lips, savouring the moment, knowing that it is going to be my last time.

After Eli takes his leave, I get back into my room, I lock the door and brought out the purse that has now been recovered and I search for the key to the drawer close to the bed I no longer want to leave those documents behind for Anna. If she is alive and hopefully returns, they will be used as collateral or leverage in case a time comes when Anna would want to turn against me.

I search through the small zipped pocket in the bag which I had kept last week, but I don't find any key inside. I walk to the bed and turn the bag inside-out on it, to see if maybe it would somehow fall out, but nothing drops.

It makes no sense, I kept it in the safe inner pocket of the purse, there is no way my phone will be left behind and my key will be gone.

No way.

Unless there was.

It feels wrong, it feels so wrong, everything feels out of place, why is the key gone? Why was I attacked in the first place, why isn't Anna back yet? How is this all connected?

This is obviously Anna's doing, she knew that after everything, I was going to choose to take the documents as collateral and use them against her when the time came and she was two steps ahead just like always.

My worse fear is becoming a reality, there is a greater plan at work here, one I'm yet to discover, and soon the truth will be revealed and there will be no hiding place for me on the face of the earth.

I stop pacing around when my phone tossed on the bed begins to ring and I picked it up and stared at the ID and it's the same number that I called over an hour ago and got no response from.


I answer the call and place it to my ear and wait for whoever it is to speak.

"Well, this was long overdue." Anna's voice comes through the phone followed by a long sigh.

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